Top 10 reasons to see a naturopathic doctor

You’ve heard of a naturopathic doctor, but why should you opt to see one over a conventional practitioner?

Sandra Walker
3 min readMay 4, 2017


Chamomile tea is a naturopathic cure for stress and an upset stomach.

10. You’re always getting sick

It seems like every two weeks you are catching some kind of cold or infection. If it seems like your immune system is not functioning properly, chances are it is not. Seeing a naturopathic doctor can provide you with a better look at your immune function and what you can do to strengthen it.

9. Your stomach is always upset

Poor digestive health can be a symptom of many issues that your naturopath can help you discover. Whether it’s a constant feeling of bloat or an urgent need to use the bathroom, your naturopath can look for the causes of digestive disruption and help you incorporate solutions into your life.

8.You’re feeling depressed or anxious

While naturopaths are not equipped to handle serious mental issues, they are able to provide you with natural remedies for relief. These doctors will work with you to better identify the causes of stress and in turn work with your body’s biochemistry to recommend herbal reliefs.

7. Your hormones are out of whack

Adult acne or an irregular menstrual cycle are tell tale signs that your hormones are irregular. While conventional medicine does not hold the tools to regulate hormones, naturopathic medicine holds the key to herbal and nutritional remedies that can help.

6. You want to tailor supplements to your specific needs

Multivitamins are not a one size fits all solution to your specific body chemistry and nutrient needs. Working with a naturopathic doctor can help you identify the micronutrients you are lacking in your diet, and provide you with a care plan to incorporate them into your diet or supplements.

5. You want a second opinion

If conventional medicine does not seem to be providing treatments that are beneficial to you or go against your ideology, receiving a consultation from a naturopathic doctor might help you get a different vantage point on what ails you.

4. You want to establish long term foundations of health

Creating a healthy set of daily habits is a necessary step in preventative care that gets you on track for long term health. Working with a naturopathic doctor allows you to create an individualized treatment plan for your health goals and the health goals of your future.

3. You want to spend more time talking to a doctor

On average a naturopathic doctor spends about an hour or more with you during your health consultation. Compare that to about 15 minutes with a conventional care practitioner, and it’s evident the depth your naturopathic consultation goes in to to make sure your health goals are met.

2. You want to take a natural approach to healing

Not all ailments require a prescription medication or antibiotic to be cured. If you want to explore natural remedies that humans have used for centuries to heal, consulting with a naturopathic doctor can give you the opportunity to do so.

1. You want to treat the cause and not the symptoms

Naturopathic practitioners work to identify the root cause of your problems rather than masking the symptoms with medication. They take a whole body and mind approach to health and look at how each of your body systems interact and where ailments stem from.



Sandra Walker

Clean Eating x Mindfulness x Movement x Meditation