Fish oil is a magic supplement

Andra Picincu
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2017
A spoonful of fish oil a day keeps the doctor away.

Take any health magazine and you’ll find at least one page mentioning fish oil. Each day, we are bombarded by attention grabbing headlines that promote this supplement. Millions of people use it daily without really knowing what it’s good for. Even though fish oil isn’t a miracle pill, it can make all the difference. From lower cholesterol levels to reduced inflammation and fat loss, its benefits are quite impressive.

What is fish oil?

Fish oil has emerged as one of the most popular health products worldwide. Rich in essential fatty acids, it promotes cardiovascular health and mental well-being. This supplement plays a key role in brain function, tissue repair, and inflammatory response. When used as part of a balanced diet, it can lower the risk of death from all causes and boost cognition. Athletes take fish oil to recover faster from training and prevent exercise-induced inflammation.

This supplement is made from the tissues of fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and trout. Contrary to popular belief, fish oil and cod liver fish are not the same. As its name suggests, cod liver oil is extracted from the liver of cod. Both supplements are high in omega-3s, vitamin A, vitamin D, and anti-inflammatory compounds. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), the fatty acids found in fish oil, are easily absorbed into the body and have a high bioavailability rate.

Omega-3s account for about 30 percent of fish oil. The remaining 70 percent consists of other fats. Most people focus on the dosage of fish oil consumed, but it’s the ratio of EPA to DHA that matters. Low concentrations of these fatty acids have been shown to accelerate cognitive decline and increase the risk of premature death.

What are the benefits of fish oil?

Each year, about 96,000 Americans die as a result of omega-3 fatty acid deficiency. This condition is one of the top 10 causes of death in the U.S. Due to its high fat content, fish oil can increase your lifespan and ward off chronic diseases. When consumed regularly, it lowers triglycerides and bad cholesterol levels, raises good cholesterol, and improves cardiovascular function.

Research shows that fish oil may help prevent stroke, heart disease, coronary artery disease, cognitive decline, brain damage. It has been also studied as a potential treatment for anxiety, clinical depression, and macular degeneration. This supplement works by reducing inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation is a major contributing factor to chronic disease and aging.

This health condition also plays a role in the onset of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, chronic pain, and cancer. In clinical trials, omega-3 fats protected mice against experimentally induced diabetes by inhibiting inflammatory cytokines and regulating insulin production. Studies have found that obese patients who took 230 milligrams of DHA and 930 milligrams of EPA per day reported a decrease in blood pressure and improved blood vessel function. These fats may reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome by a whopping 20 percent.

Fish oil is good for children too. In a 2012 study, children with ADHD who took this supplement showed improved academic performance and decreased restlessness. More than 60 percent of the human brain is made up of fats, which explains why omega-3s are so important for brain health. According to researchers, these fats can slow down age-related brain atrophy in the elderly and regulate functional cortical activity in children. Fish oil may even help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and preserve brain volume in seniors.

The human body can not produce DHA and EPA, so these nutrients must be obtained through diet. Children require them for growth and development. Seniors need omega-3s for memory and cognitive function. People of all ages can take these supplements to prevent and reduce allergies, asthma, dry skin conditions, joint and bone disorders, heart problems, DNA damage, and age-related diseases.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, fish oil should be on your list. According to a study published in the European Journal of Neuroscience, this supplement can reverse depression and anxiety symptoms. Due to its anti-inflammatory effects, it relieves arthritis pain just as well as NSAIDs but without the side effects. Surprisingly, fish oil can be also used as a stand-alone therapy in cancer treatment. Omega-3s have been shown to inhibit tumor growth and boost immune function.

It’s no secret that many dieters avoid oily fish and fish oil because of its high fat content. Studies actually show that omega-3s aid in weight loss. When combined with regular exercise, fish oil can reduce body fat levels and promote lean muscle growth. This supplement may improve your body composition and prevent obesity-related conditions, such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Additionally, fish oil has only 40 calories per teaspoon, so it fits into any diet.

Are there any side effects?

You may have heard that fish oil may increase the risk of prostate cancer. According to science, this can only happen when fish is consumed in mega doses, such as over 2,000 milligrams a day. The recommended daily dose is 500 to 1,500 milligrams. Unless you’re allergic to fish or have a bleeding disorder, it’s unlikely to experience any side effects.

Ideally, choose fish oil supplements from reputable brands to avoid mercury contamination. Check the label to make sure you’re getting optimum doses of EPA and DHA. A quality product should deliver at least 300 milligrams of omega-3s per 1,000 milligrams of fish oil. This supplement is particularly helpful for children, seniors, and pregnant women as well as for those who don’t eat fish at least twice a week as recommended.

What’s your experience with fish oil? Share your story below!



Andra Picincu
Writer for

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