We have childcare facilities @droidconIN, and all HasGeek conferences going forward

Zainab Bawa
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2016

Have you watched this video of the professor who held a crying baby and continued teaching the class, instead of letting the baby’s mother leave his class in embarrassment?

How many of us parents hesitate to bring our children to lectures, conferences, meetups and learning gatherings because of the fear that our children will create a ruckus? I’m sure many hands will go up.

It’s high time the situation changed, and we’re doing our bit at HasGeek. We will now have childcare facility at our conferences, starting with @droidconIN on 10–11 November 2016.

Here’s what we’re offering:

  1. Childcare facility — run by a professional firm — free of cost for up to ten children. We will increase the number of children we can accept for childcare facility after reviewing how things fared at @droidconIN. The childcare facility is fully sponsored by HasGeek.
  2. Children between ages one and eight are eligible to participate in the childcare facility.
  3. Your child will not need a ticket to the event. One caretaker who is not attending talks may also enter free. Food tokens for use at the food court must be purchased separately. Caretakers are not eligible to receive a participant kit or sponsor handouts.
  4. Designated play and rest area for children.
  5. Activities designed to keep children engaged, play facilities and manpower to watch over toddlers.
  6. There will be a microwave oven and hot water kettle to help you heat food for your child and give her boiled water. Free water dispensers at the venue serve filtered water.

What you need to do to sign up for childcare at HasGeek conferences:

  1. When you fill the sign-up form after buying your conference ticket, check the option of childcare facility.
  2. Enter the number of children you will bring along.
  3. Add the age of the children. This is important because it will help the childcare facility providers plan activities for kids of different age groups.

Childcare facility is currently available on a first-come-first-serve basis. You can avail it free of cost @droidconIN.

If you are parent / primary caretaker, you can unhesitatingly bring your children to HasGeek conferences.

