Why you should be at Fragments 2017

Come piece together the future of mobile development

Karthik Balakrishnan
4 min readSep 1, 2017


Fragments, our new conference on mobile development in modern teams, is in two weeks (12–13 Sept).

We are now bang in the middle of the convergence of mobile apps — Android, iOS, and mobile web — with Progressive Web Apps making the lines between all of them blurry. Users expect apps to look and behave the same on all platforms and features to be rolled out simultaneously. As a result, teams now need to understand the mobile app ecosystem as a whole, not just Android or iOS.

However, we’ve spent the last few years treating development on each platform independently with its own code base, tool set, design, release cycle, and nuances. This approach is no longer sustainable for development teams today.

This issue is no longer fragmented platforms but fragmented development practices.

Fragments is aimed squarely at those asking themselves the following questions:

  • Those who are sitting on a 2–3 year old platform-specific codebase, and would like to know whether to refactor or rewrite and how to do so in a future-proof way.
  • Product managers, team leads, engineering heads, and developers who are considering cross platform development frameworks like React Native more seriously, and its viability at scale.
  • Designers and developers who want to know how others have streamlined their processes and workflows to make a more efficient mobile development team.
  • Traditional native Android and iOS developers who want to stay ahead of the curve and understand what cross platform framework they should invest time into, if any.
  • Web developers and designers who are looking at Progressive Web Apps as the future of cross platform mobile apps.

Fragments provides a platform for those who have dealt with these issues at scale to share their approaches, tools, and lessons learned.

Building Progressive Web Apps at Scale — A Practical Guide

by Vijay Krishna Kudva — UI Tech Lead, Myntra
A case study of Myntra’s work on building a PWA. You’ll be able to get insights into their business cases behind putting the effort into a PWA, the engineering challenges, and their perspective in hindsight.

Empowering Mobile Team to Harness Real Power of CI/CD

by Abhinandan Kothari — Product Engineer, GO-JEK
Learn how GO-JEK structures their mobile teams and codebase to enable more efficient use of resources, leverages a single CI/CD pipeline to roll out updates to the Play Store and App Store, and use their toolset to allow them to move fast and increase productivity.

Cross Platform with React Native @ Flipkart

by Talha Naqvi — Senior SDE, Flipkart
This talk walks you through the experiences Flipkart had while building their mobile search experience using React Native, why they chose to do so, and how they are extending that to the web.

React Native: Things we learned the hard way

by Gaurav Kaushik — Senior Software Engineer, Myntra
A case study on the success and learnings from a team that’s used React Native in production for nearly 2 years, along with a status report on where they are with React Native today.

Code Generation for Zombies

by Ragunath Jawahar — Kite Cash
A walkthrough of a toolkit Kite Cash has developed to bridge the gap between their business intelligence team and mobile developers. See how they go from a simple spreadsheet to native tracking code on both Android and iOS.

Improving Android apps using Architecture Components

by Amrit Sanjeev — Senior Developer Advocate, Google
Is Google’s new (opinionated) architecture framework the right solution for some of Android’s most notorious issues — lifecycle management, data binding, and databases?

Running Deep Learning models on mobile with optimized speed

by Naveen Kumar — Semantics3
Learn how you can leverage the advances in Machine Learning and AI on mobile for your business from the team behind Flo, a video app that uses local deep learning models to automatically analyze and generate a cinematic movie from shorts clips on your phone.

Effective and efficient mobile engineering

by Pratul Kalia — Engineering Lead, Uncommon
This talk will cover some of the pitfalls and challenges inherent in building mobile apps, as well as some potential solutions to those problems. The intended audience is project managers, engineering managers, or anyone else who finds themselves leading a mobile development team.

and many more talks, off-the-record (OTR) sessions, workshops, and discussion spaces.

👉 View the full schedule and get tickets

P.S — Fragments is the first conference in a week long series of events

P.P.S. — If you are wondering what happened to droidconIN, you can read more on that here.



Karthik Balakrishnan

Accidentally stumbles into internet movements. Tech at @paytminsider. Also: #SaveTheInternet, @savethemap, @ChennaiRainsOrg.