PerICO: Programming Lang Icons

Franco A.
Hashdog Blog
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2017

Icons, graphics, images, SVGs, etc, etc, etc … All this is really frustrating when you looking for some programming language Icons.
Many times I stuck with the annoying situation of not finding a decent programming lang Icon. This doesn’t mean that you can’t find icons on the web, but sometimes you need two or more Icons and it turns out to be a headache!

For that reason, has decided share with you this Icon Pack orientated to the programming language and frameworks. Ruby, HTML, JS, Jquery, nodejs, angular and much more are part of this tiny project!

Are you in hurry? See how fast it is!

PerICO propose just copy one line in your <head> tag and you will be able to use any icon of their list with no need to configure or upload anything!

<link href="" rel="stylesheet">

And that’s all! Start to use any icon that you want!

<i class="perico-react"></i>

Icon List

If you want to download please visit the GitHub project and you can contribute as well.
Also, you can contact me to add another Icon to, the only requirement is that it has to be programming language or framework.

Thanks to


