Hashed Enters Link Industry Partners

Hashed Team Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 21, 2019

We at Hashed believe that promoting widespread user access is one of the most important issues that the blockchain industry faces today, and our business and accelerating activities have been anchored around this belief.

Enter LINK, the blockchain platform created by LINE, a global messenger app with over 700 million users throughout Japan and Southeast Asia. LINK, with its streamlined UX infrastructure and extensive user base, is posed to disseminate blockchain designed for mass adoption.

Hashed hosted LINK’s first official at Hashed Lounge

Hashed is currently engaged in conversation with LINK about collaborations that could stimulate the Dapp ecosystem. As such, we hosted LINK’s very first official meetup this January at the Hashed Lounge, and expect that Hashed Labs, our new program aimed at promoting the growth of game Dapps, will give us a chance to test our symbiosis. Hashed will also participate in LINK Industry Partners, a partnership program for strategic investors.

Through the Hashed-LINK collaboration, we very much hope that we are one step closer to the creation of a more robust blockchain application ecosystem.

What is LINK?

LINK is a blockchain project of a global instant-messenger corporation LINE.

With the infrastructure and business know-hows from LINE, LINK Team aims to build a blockchain platform/Dapps and Token Economy that quickly generate public demands.

In September 2018, service-centered blockchain platform ‘LINK Chain’ and general-purpose coin ‘LINK(LN)’ were launched. LINK Team now is preparing for expansion on ecosystem by integrating LINE platform, and securing partner Dapps. Currently, Naver Search and Clova and LINE are developing LINK-based initial Dapp on their own, and investing on various blockchain businesses including cryptocurrency exchange, crypto fund, etc.

What is Industry Partners?

Industry Partners is a partnership program for Dapp developers, investment agencies, and funds, on the lookout for partners who are dedicated to the expansion of the cryptocurrency ecosystem and universal adoption of blockchain.

Industry Partners program is operated on a seasonal basis, with minimum requirements for participants to hold 100,000 LN for a year, and to attend periodic partner meetings. Details can be found on the LINK ecosystem Medium page.



Hashed Team Blog

To empower networks and innovators in building the decentralized future.