Hashed Labs Meets Game Developers

Hashed Team Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2019
Hashed Labs Meetup Highlight

Blockchain game developers and industry experts gathered at Hashed Lounge on the 21st of February in Seoul. The meetup was to introduce “Hashed Labs” our blockchain dApp-focused accelerator program — highlighting our focus in building a consumer-first approach to widespread adoption.

“Games aren’t limited to the services industry anymore — we’re seeing blueprints of a virtual world that might become the next settlement of our civilization. Games have autonomous economies, marketplaces and guilds and in many cases, complete governance from launch. Games built on top of blockchain infrastructure will bridge the gap between digital assets and real value, as activities in the virtual world will increasingly have real economic outcomes.”

Simon Kim, Hashed CEO, said “Think of it as early steps in building something that resembles Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One”

Digital natives mediums, like games, are the perfect platform to test token economies. Adoption outside of crypto enthusiasts relies on users experiencing these blockchain based ecosystems, first hand.

Ethan Kim, one of the founding partners at Hashed and the head of Hashed Labs program, touched on the states of the blockchain game market today and the directional growth we’ll be seeing in the near future.

“The market for blockchain games is the market is growing rapidly, especially when compared to the pace mobile app store ecosystem grew a decade earlier. We still have a lot of obstacles to overcome, but we’re seeing gaming veterans and top tier talent diving into developing blockchain-based games. I’m more than confident we’ll soon see the general public spending more time on blockchain based games without much resistance.”

The growth of blockchain based games is outpacing internet, or mobile games markets of the past. Ethan highlights that now is the time to build as the race for dominance in the smart contracts space is still ongoing.

It’s important for games developers to get a head start so they could gain momentum from growth within the underlying platform as blockchains continue to garnish awareness.

MyeongJin Shin, co-founder of EOS Knights took the stage to share his experiences in building one of the most popular blockchain games on the market today. He shares his personal experiences, trials, and triumphs in being one of the earliest to attempt at building a role-playing game.

Hashed research analysis, Kenny Kim spoke on “When Games Meet Blockchain”, detailing the solutions blockchains would bring to some of the development and operational issues that exist in today’s gaming industry. He touched on the 6 characteristics of blockchain games, with ideas on how blockchain based Web 3.0 games could overcome limitations of their Web 2.0 predecessors.

Afterward, Hashed announced their Hashed Labs advisory board with detailed plans on how the accelerator will function. The advisors, ranging from game industry experts to blockchain industry veterans will commit to one on one mentorships sessions as the program progresses.

They will address a full spectrum of support — everything from game design, operations, game businesses, blockchain develop emend, token economics and incentive mechanisms, cryptocurrency wallets, blockchain security, dApp marketing/publishing, and legal counsel.

You can find the complete list of advisors on the Hashed Labs website.



Hashed Team Blog

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