“Hashed Potato Club”: A Decentralized Community Driven by Hashed Founders

Henry Key
Hashed Team Blog
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2023
The first meet-up of Hashed Potato Club

On June 19, 2023, Hashed hosted the first offline meetup of Hashed Potato Club, aiming to be a decentralized community platform where the founders of Hashed’s portfolio companies get a connection with each other even without any intermediaries. The event witnessed the active participation of approximately 120 founders representing over 50 projects. The event featured insightful and engaging presentations from Simon Kim, the CEO and Managing Partner of Hashed; Ryan Kim, the Co-founder and Partner of Hashed; Youngkwon Kim, the CEO of Playa; and Joseph Baek, the Co-founder, and EVP of Modhaus.

Simon Kim, the CEO and Managing Partner of Hashed
Ryan Kim, the Co-founder and Partner of Hashed
Youngkwon Kim, the CEO of Playa
Joseph Baek, the Co-founder, and EVP of Modhaus

The meetup was a resounding success, as it provided a unique opportunity for all of Hashed's founders based in South Korea to come together and connect face-to-face. It was a meaningful gathering where our founders had the chance to discuss their businesses, share collaborative ideas, and exchange valuable experiences.

The event exuded an atmosphere of enthusiasm and excitement, reflecting the vibrant energy of our first Hashed founders meetup. In light of this success, we would like to take this opportunity to delve into our motivations for initiating this event and outline our plans for the future development of this thriving community.

Why Hashed Potato Club?

Hashed has been helping portfolio companies grow rapidly in the global market from the perspective of a ‘second team’ that closely supports business development. So we are constantly striving to find better solutions for effectively supporting founders.

During our contemplation on how to provide optimal support to entrepreneurs, a sudden realization struck us. We observed that entrepreneurs have diverse needs and requests, and the most empathetic and relatable individuals to address these challenges are fellow entrepreneurs

However, it is uncommon to come across a community where entrepreneurs can gather, network with like-minded individuals, and openly discuss their collaborative ideas and thoughts about their own businesses. Recognizing this gap, Hashed has made the decision to establish a founder-driven community. And as we believe that Web3 should be more lively and fun, we decided to name this community “Hashed Potato Club”.

Our aim is to create a decentralized platform in the Web3 industry where founders can connect, engage with one another, and seek guidance and support through a variety of interactive tools and methods tailored to their needs.

How Hashed Potato Club will be run?

The Hashed Potato Club is planned to operate in two areas: offline and online.

The offline component will consist of quarterly meetups featuring engaging sessions on intriguing topics such as wine selection and stress management, deviating from conventional business presentations. These meetups aim to be networking-centric events where entrepreneurs can discuss collaborative ideas, share thoughts, and engage with one another. To create a more inclusive environment and facilitate greater interaction, each Hashed portfolio company founder will be able to invite one fellow entrepreneur, fostering collaboration among a larger group of entrepreneurs.

For the online component, our plan is to build a community incorporating numerous Web3 elements. We’re developing a dedicated wallet and webpage for Hashed Potato Club members, and we’ll issue NFTs as proof of membership. By providing such a Web3 experience, we aim to facilitate the transition of Web2 entrepreneurs into the realm of Web3. Moreover, by including specialists like protocol developers, Web3-specialized lawyers, and tax accountants, we plan to foster a supportive community where members aid one another organically.

What do we expect?

Since our establishment in 2017, Hashed has actively supported portfolio companies, believing strongly in the direct impact of positive network effects on project success.

We hold a firm belief that the network effects generated by Hashed portfolio company founders, as well as their acquaintances within the Hashed Potato Club community, will significantly contribute to mutual support and growth.

Our ultimate aim is to create a completely decentralized environment within this community, where entrepreneurs can communicate and assist each other freely, with Hashed serving not as an intermediary but as a facilitator. Hashed is committed to fostering the organic growth of the Hashed Potato Club, working tirelessly towards achieving this goal.

