Introducing Experimental Galactic Punk Analytics

Kyle Yoon
Hashed Team Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2021

Hi! I’m Kyle, a quant in Hashed. Galactic Punk NFT is one of the most popular NFT projects on Terra blockchain. As a big fan of GP, I built a simple fair value framework to analyze price flow and estimate a reasonable entry price of GP NFTs. If you are interested, check out below.

(Please note, the information presented below is neither an official service, nor an investment advice. The page may contain inaccurate information. Rarity score is just a metric, and it does not necessarily represent price. Use at your own risk)


Data source and crawling method

the marketplace of, web crawling by 10 min period.


  • Price : The ask price of each item on RE
  • Rarity : Rarity score from RE
  • Rarity Band : The floored value of rarity score by 100 (ex. 0–100, 100–200…)
  • Rarity Per Price : Rarity / Price, Rarity per 1 Luna

Twitter Feed

Top3 Rarity Per Price Item Update Info

Data Pages

Rarity Per Price and Price Monitoring Rarity Band

On Sale List(Top3)

On Sale List(All)

Individual History


