Introduction to Hashed Potato Club (HPC)

Wooster Han
Hashed Team Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 17, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the launch of Hashed Potato Club (HPC)! HPC is an exclusive online & offline social community for Hashed portfolio founders, employees, and partners. Its ultimate objective is to build a strong bond and create virtuous synergies between the members. This article will go through on why & how we will run this community, what to expect for the members and how to onboard HPC.

What makes Hashed run a community?

Hashed is a venture capital firm and its core function is to make investment based on its thesis. Alongside its investment function, Hashed believes in providing comprehensive support to its portfolios, going beyond mere financial backing. In pursuit of this objective, we offer a range of services to empower our community members in their growth journey. HPC plays a pivotal role in strengthening this commitment, as we envision it as a crucial enabler that streamlines value-add activities and fosters organic engagement among our members.

Our approach to HPC centers on two core aspects: 1) a social community and 2) a value-add platform. As a social community, HPC serves as a tight-knit community tailored for founders affiliated with Hashed. As a value-add platform, HPC functions as a platform dedicated to facilitating growth. By consolidating our portfolios and network into a unified communication channel, it creates a seamless environment for organic business development among our members.

This combination of approaches holds the potential to achieve the following goals:

  • Bonding: HPC nurtures a strong sense of community, providing founders with a supportive environment during challenging periods. It offers a safe haven for them during uncertain times and encourages a sense of belonging, resilience, and active participation within the community through a variety of activities.
  • Frictionless Communication: By centralizing our portfolios and network, HPC establishes an efficient and interconnected business development ecosystem for our community members.
  • Systematic Engagement & Support: HPC also serves as a platform for Hashed to implement various value-added initiatives. The data generated through each interaction and program enables us to continuously track progress and enhance the support provided by Hashed, applying lessons learned to ensure ongoing growth.

In terms of community management, we are committed to implementing a mix of online and offline engagement strategies, all aligned with our core values, which are encapsulated in the acronym G.O.A.T: Growth, Openness, Adaptability, and Transparency. These values guide our tactical approach to running the community and ensuring its success.

What to Expect from HPC?

Members of the Hashed Potato Club can expect a rich and diverse array of opportunities, both online and offline, rooted in our core values. Such engagements are designed in consideration of geographic dispersion of Hashed portfolios and we anticipate this combination can maximize the engagement and experience of the community.

Offline engagement offers exclusive quarterly gatherings that foster a sense of community and camaraderie. These gatherings are complemented by thoughtfully curated sessions and activities that encompass everything from business networking to knowledge sharing. Additionally, we host exclusive dinners adjacent to major conferences, providing members with unique opportunities for in-person connections.

In the online realm, our official website and Telegram channel serve as digital hubs for engagement. Members benefit from easier RSVP access to both public and exclusive events, facilitating seamless participation. Our community also encourages members to promote their initiatives within the circle, creating a collaborative environment where talents can flourish.

Tailored communication groups, segmented by position and skillset, ensure members can connect with like-minded peers, whether they are developers, designers, business development professionals, or other specialists. Online sessions and activities, mirroring their offline counterparts, include educational sessions and competitions, ensuring that the Hashed Potato Club provides a holistic experience for its members.

Seamless Value-add Support

We’ve incorporated a “Request to Hashed” feature, enabling seamless support requests for Hashed portfolio companies whenever the need arises. This value-add function stands as a fundamental aspect of our fund, and we anticipate that the harmonious integration of community engagement and value-add activities will generate substantial benefits for all members. Instructions on how to submit requests will be furnished upon joining the HPC channel during the onboarding process.

How to Onboard

To join HPC during its initial trial, you must be a founder or an employee of a Hashed portfolio company. If you meet this criteria, please visit Hashed Potato Club official website to submit your application, and our team will proactively contact you and provide comprehensive instructions on how to onboard. For any inquiries or assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

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