Korea Blockchain Week — The unofficial guide

Your guide for Korea Blockchain Week.

Alex Shin
Hashed Team Blog
4 min readJul 11, 2018


Check back often, this list will be updated often.

July 16th — July 22nd 2018

Seoul. Home of the Kimchi Premium.
Official Logo: Korea Blockchain Week

Here comes Asia’s biggest blockchain gathering ever. If you were in New York for Consensus, you can probably expect much of the same, except with less rules and more humidity.

South Korea is Ground Zero for cryptocurrency and digital assets adoption.

Thank you for messaging me with questions surrounding Korea Blockchain Week. Here’s to help you navigate the home of the Kimchi Premium.


The Event Guide (still updating)

I might have missed a few. Let me know!

Monday — July 16th
Hashed Brunch — (event sold out)
FactBlock VIP night— (Invite Only)
The Crypto Connection by: AELF, Arrington XRP & Signum— (Invite Only)

Metadium Meetup — (registration open)
Blockcrafters, Blockwater, Consensys Token Foundry Event (Invite Only)
The Unofficial Pre-Party — (Public)
Provenance Events — Retail & Payments

Tuesday — July 17th
Beyond Blocks Summit Seoul — Day One
L7 Block Party — BlockVC, BlackHorse, JRR Crypto, Torque (invite only)

Wednesday — July 18th
Beyond Blocks Summit Seoul — Day Two
Official Summit Seoul After Party — ICON, HASHED & Deloitte (Attendees)
Dfinity Meetup — KryptoSeoul — (Public)

Thursday — July 19th
DNA Investors Lunch (Invite Only)
Meetup Day with GITA (Global ICO Transparency Alliance)
Official Meetup by M&K PR (private)
Block72 Event —Zilliqa, Kyber Network, IOTEX, Theta & Quantstamp(Public)
Women in Blockchain — KryptoSeoul x TLDR (Public)
#Hashed Night (Invite Only)

And for those of you staying longer:

Friday — July 20th
MediBloc Meetup (Public)
Foundation X Night (Register)

Saturday — July 21st
Red Pulse PHOENIX Event (Register)
Blockchain Partners Summit — Day One

Sunday — July 22nd
Blockchain Partners Summit — Day two

Beyond Blocks Summit — Seoul

July 17th~18th

Most of Korea Blockchain Week will revolve around the Beyond Blocks Summit. We’re expecting close to 2000 attendees and probably even more people lingering around the hotel and lobby to pick off meetings.

Shilla hotel however is perched up on a hill and nothing is really walking distance. I expect transportation like local cabs/UBER Black to be very slow.

Update: rooms at Shilla are completely sold out. :(

Itaewon — Night life + International Friendly

Luckily, not too far away from Shilla hotel is Itaewon.

This is the night life center of Korea and where all the expats linger.

It’s safe to assume Blockchain folks will probably take over this region, at least during the main conferences.

Gangnam Style— Yellow Bubble marks meetings.

If you are doing business meetings, it’s very likely you’ll be spending a good amount of time in Gangnam. This is the business district equipped with a ton of late night bars.

The yellow bubble is center for where all the blockchain companies are based. It’s also Hashed HQ’s. :)

Headquartered in Gangnam:



Huobi Korea




Ground X

Foundation X





Carry Protocol


Contents Protocol

… and probably everyone with the exception of Coinone and ICON. :)

Hashed Night — July 19th (Invite Only)

Hashed Night is our invite-only VIP event to showcase our newest batch of acceleration, growth and portfolio companies. Meet all of the movers and shakers coming to Korea Blockchain Week.

Reach out to contact@hashed.com with inquiries!

Hashed HQ, Seoul, Korea

Hashed is the largest crypto assets vc, project accelerator and educator/community builder based out in Korea. We are a team of entrepreneurs and engineers passionate about decentralization technology and the founders pushing this movement forward.

Written by: Alex Shin



Alex Shin
Hashed Team Blog

Strategy@TeamBlind, Advisor Arrington Capital, Cofounder@Hashed. Venture. Crypto. Anonymous Workplaces. Ice Cream.