Our investment in Mythical Games

Kenny Kim
Hashed Team Blog
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2019

We are excited to announce Hashed’s investment in Mythical Games — a blockchain gaming company that aims to innovate the game industry using blockchain technology and protocol-based incentive mechanisms. CEO John Linden has extensive experience in the traditional gaming industry as studio head at Activision Blizzard, and as president of Seismic Games, which was acquired by Niantic Labs (Creator of Pokemon Go) in July 2018. John started Mythical Games with his partners to disrupt the gaming industry and to give players true ownership over their game assets.

In 2019, Hashed has been forming its thesis for blockchain gaming. We at Hashed believe that blockchain is the technology that could help games evolve from a form of time-limited entertainment into a permanent, virtual world. However, we also feel that not all games are eligible for this evolution. The ones that are will be games that have sustainable economic systems, and are able to create the economic value of gaming assets by leveraging the composability of smart contracts. Most importantly, they must provide a fun, pleasant, and beautiful virtual world in which players could experience good visual, audial, and interaction design. Simply put, players value items that look good over those that don’t.

We’ve discovered that Mythical is a project checks off every box in our thesis. John has a very strong initiative centered around player-owned economies, and believes that it will not only give back value to the players but also result in bigger economic value for the network. Mythical has highly experienced developers who have participated as core developers of very successful AAA-grade game titles such as Call of Duty, Skylanders Battlecast, Guitar Hero, and World of Warcraft. The demo play of Blankos, which the team shared with us, was very well designed and definitely on another level from the games that we have seen in the blockchain gaming space. The team is also building a platform where asset creators and game developers can create the same high-quality experience and economies without having to develop everything from scratch.

The attractive virtual gaming world being developed by Mythical
Artists will be able to create and sell virtual toys with their own design and brand

John, co-founder, and CEO of Mythical, has proven that he can attract the best talents to realize his vision in the gaming space. We also felt that he never settles for the present, always on the lookout for the next step in gaming. At Hashed, we support founders and teams that have the vision and talent capable of disrupting an industry, and we believe John and Mythical will open up a new era in the gaming and virtual world.

We are extremely proud to be a partner of Mythical and to join them on this journey.

