Our Investment in Notifi — Twilio for Web3

Baek Kyoum Kim
Hashed Team Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2022

Today, we are excited to share that Hashed has led the $2.5M pre-seed investment in Notifi.Network.

Notifi is a user engagement platform that provides a universal communication layer for all web3 projects to engage with their users on digital and on-chain channels — from the most straightforward text messages to the urgent wallet to wallet communications.

Web3 communication infrastructure does not really exist today. Third-party applications like Discord and Twitter are not enough. With almost $200 billion total valued locked on Defi and $6+ billion transacted on NFTs, it’s outlandish that there are no real communication layers to support these ecosystems.

Crypto enthusiasts and powers users are left with constant nervousness and are pressured to check back on their LTV positions on defi protocols, governance proposals, and other on-chain activities. With the explosion of a new generation of blockchain projects and the eventual mass adoption by the public in the banking (Defi & Payments), NFTs, and the gaming industry, the users will need a new web3 ready notification experience to track and manage all their blockchain activity.

As the web3 user engagement layer, Notifi helps bridge projects in via channels like voice, text, chat, and email through Notifi APIs. Their aim is to provide meaningful interactions with end-users on the preferred channels and continue to build and foster engagement with the web3 applications they love.

The communication layer will revolutionize the web3 UX to another level.

  1. Wallet to Wallet Messaging: Can we chat with other participants in protocols directly via on-chain reputation or transaction history, rather than figuring out their anon Twitter accounts to DM for attention?
  2. DAO Engagement: Can we notify members on urgent discussion agenda via push, rather than chasing everyone on Discord to vote?
  3. UX Gamification: Crypto enables an explicit incentive system to be integrated with consumer services and games. Can we bring out the actual utility of these tokens with gamification for better user experience, retention, and loyalty?
  4. Actionable Alerts: Can we have peace of mind with our DeFi protocols via set Alerts for urgent attention? Or even automated action triggers like AWS Lambda functions for pre-set actions to remediate any financial damage?
  5. Multichain Collaborations: Multichain future is currently mainly focused on cross-chain asset movements. Can we truly realize the integration of UX flow among applications that sit on different blockchains?

Opportunities are limitless and Notifi fuels the imagination of truly web3 native UX experiments.

I first met Paul, the founder of Notifi, as a personal mentor at Amazon Web Services in 2016 while working as a software engineer in the Internet of Things division. Paul is a well-respected product leader who has an incredible track record of shipping high-impact, international products. In a short period, Paul has navigated the web3 space and spearheaded the most important gap in the industry, put together the top tier team, and already begun onboarding partners to Notifi.

Before founding Notifi, CEO Paul held senior product roles at Circle, Amazon Web Services, Oracle, and Grab. CTO Nimesh Amin comes from search and cloud infrastructure at Oracle Cloud, where he was colleagues with Paul. Nimesh served as architect for the streaming, messaging, Email, and Inter-Service Connectors. Nimesh also served as a Principal Engineer at Microsoft.

Paul and Nimesh’s background in building practical and high-impact solutions makes them the strongest candidate to redefine the web3 User Experience.

