“Protocol Camp”: A Web3 Builder Platform, strengthening the base of the blockchain ecosystem

Henry Key
Hashed Team Blog
Published in
5 min readDec 15, 2023
The 5th Protocol Camp Orientation

Back in February 2022, Hashed launched “Protocol Camp”, the first blockchain boot camp in South Korea with Hanwha Life. Amidst the expansion and strengthening of the blockchain industry and ecosystem, attracting exceptional talent into this space remains the most crucial element. Recognizing the high barriers to entry into the web3 and blockchain industries, Hashed and Hanwha Life initiated Protocol Camp to establish a foothold for more individuals and teams to enter the industry.

However, rather than focusing solely on one-sided education like many other bootcamps, we wanted to forge a mutually growing Web3 Builder Community. For this, we have been providing spaces and diverse sessions with the participants to compile the real experience of building products and establishing networks with the builders in the scene.

Now, after five cohorts in the past two years, what strides has Protocol Camp made? Let’s share the journey and the future vision.

Towards a more diverse Web3 Builder Community

Despite fluctuations in the number of applicants per cohort, Protocol Camp garnered more significant interest from within and outside the blockchain industry than anticipated, with over 300 passionate individuals applying for the camp. Some communities even speak of Protocol Camp as a gateway into the blockchain/web3 industries, gradually proving its worth.

Notably, it is encouraging that the applicant and participant age groups are being increasingly diversified. Initially dominated by university students in the early stages, as cohorts progressed, senior professionals from other fields joined Protocol Camp to enter the blockchain industry. During the 4th and 5th cohorts this year, a total of four senior developers were selected. They autonomously guided fellow participants throughout the camp leveraging their experience.

Furthermore, the team-based participation made Protocol Camp more vibrant. This year, we changed the recruiting process from individual-only applications to both individuals and existing teams being able to participate in the camp to provide more opportunities with potential candidates. These teams could fill necessary roles within the camp and leverage the diverse network provided by Hashed and Hanwha Life to accelerate their business development.

The 1st Protocol Camp Alumni
The 2nd Protocol Camp Alumni
The 3rd Protocol Camp Alumni
The 4th Protocol Camp Alumni
The 5th Protocol Camp Alumni

Moreover, the variety of participating companies offering mentoring, special sessions, and networking further diversified. As the cohorts progressed, players from diverse industries such as web3 startups, mainnets, major gaming companies, exchanges, and digital asset platforms imparted quality insights to Protocol Camp participants.

Protocol Camp Contributors

Strengthening the base of the blockchain ecosystem

This diversified Protocol Camp significantly contributes to expanding the reach and strengthening the foundations of the entire blockchain industry.

Transitioning from a residential to a commuting setup, Protocol Camp encourages external blockchain-related activities, provided they have team consensus, thereby enhancing participants’ blockchain-related experiences.

As a result, “doP” team from the 4th cohort that built linkrypto, an ETH staking optimization asset management solution, won the 3rd place at the Glitch Hackathon in May and received an award at ETH Seoul 2023 as well.

Glitch Hackathon Award
ETHSeoul 2023 Award

Similarly, SuperSquad from the 5th cohort, who created a habit-forming challenge platform, became the Neo Star Winner at the NEO APAC Hackathon and they were accepted into AppWorks Accelerator which is one of the biggest accelerator programs in APAC.

NEO APAC Hackthon Award
Accepted to AppWorks

Even after graduating from the camp, participants either secure permanent positions or internships at various web3 companies or embark on entrepreneurial journeys using the products they developed during the camp.

A survey conducted among 39 alumni from cohorts 1 to 4, excluding the recently concluded 5th cohort in December, revealed that 20 were employed permanently by 19 different companies, while 14 were involved in entrepreneurship. Among them, 8 also gained internship experiences at 10 different companies.

Notably, among the 19 companies hiring Protocol Camp graduates, including 4 from Hashed’s portfolio, 16 were web3/blockchain domestic and international firms. Additionally, among the 10 companies providing internship experiences, including 2 from Hashed’s portfolio, 9 were web3/blockchain domestic and international companies, showcasing Protocol Camp’s contribution in nurturing exceptional talents for the blockchain industry.

Protocol Camp Alumni Employers

The teams involved in startups are also showcasing remarkable performances. Particularly, the NFTime team from the 2nd cohort, developing an art NFT streaming platform and a digital certificate NFT platform, has been selected for government support through the ‘2023 Cultural Technology Content Support Project’ conducted by Gyeonggi Content Agency. Recently, they received an award at the 2023 Digital Industry Activation Workshop and Achievement Reporting Event organized by National IT Industry Promotion Agency, under the name of the Minister of Science and ICT.

Award by the name of The Minister of Science and ICT

What’s next? More engaging Web3 Builder Platform, creating greater synergy

Over the past two years, Protocol Camp has become more vibrant with diverse participants of different ages and backgrounds. Thanks to those graduates of the camp creating a positive impact on the blockchain ecosystem, Protocol Camp seems to be gradually taking shape as a hub and gateway to the blockchain/web3 industry.

Looking ahead, Protocol Camp aims to create opportunities for graduates and participating companies to engage more effectively, fostering greater synergy internally and externally. It intends to grow into a comprehensive platform where new ideas form, businesses develop, and mutual support across various domains becomes possible.

Moving beyond being just a talent development hub and community, Protocol Camp aspires to contribute to the overall growth of the blockchain ecosystem. We extend our support to the next journey of Protocol Camp and the achievements of its graduates within the industry. For those interested in the camp, please feel free to reach out to us at any time.

Alumni Networking
The Whole Web3 Networking

