Encryption with Transit Data Keys

Gilberto Castillo
HashiCorp Solutions Engineering Blog
7 min readSep 21, 2021

The Transit Secrets Engine provides the ability to generate a high-entropy data key to support cryptographic operations locally. The premise is to support crypto services without routing the payload to Vault. The generation of the high-entropy key relies on an existing Transit endpoint that supports a named key.

The motivation for this article is to discuss practical, simplified examples of how to use an external, high-entropy data key generated with the Vault Transit Secrets Engine. After all, there is a distinction in using Transit backends for Encryption-as-a-Service versus client-side or server-side crypto operations. The instrumentation of Transit provides consumers with a unique key to fulfill operations on-demand outside of the Vault continuum.

Encryption Patterns

Consumer Authentication and Authorization

Any consumer that interacts with Vault requires authentication. The basic premise is to use Vault to broker the consumer’s identity against many authentication engines. Vault maintains a relationship using a role that matches a privileged role within the target identity and authentication engine.


In the illustration below, the consumer uses an LDAP account to authenticate with Vault — the Vault LDAP Authentication engine aligns with the corporate LDAP Engine to verify and confirm the identity.

Vault Authentication: Access to Vault requires vetting the consumer’s identity

For example, we use the Vault CLI to authenticate directly with Vault. Other methods are less involved and more automatic, and this example illustrates the implicit need to vet the consumers’ identity.

vault login -method=ldap username=bender
Password (will be hidden):
Successfully authenticated! The policies that are associated
with this token are listed below:

default, app-01


Once the consumer’s identity is validated, Vault links internal access policies that describe the capabilities expressed for the consumer. Policies align with Vault users and Vault groups that reflect a hierarchical structure for the consumer’s environment.

From the diagram, Application 01 can be an individual component managed by a unique identity. Or, Application 01 is part of a group of resources governed by a shared identity. In either case, the linked policies describe the authorization to the secrets engine for the consumer and its identity.

In this scenario, a policy describes the encryption and decryption capabilities as follows:

# app-01.hcl 
path "transit/encrypt/app-01" {
capabilities = [ "update" ]
path "transit/decrypt/app-01" {
capabilities = [ "update" ]

Vault successfully validates the consumers’ identity and returns a payload that includes a bearer token. The consumer uses the token to access the secrets engine with the capabilities expressed in the policy. The metadata also describes any additional policies linked to the token authorize the capabilities that the consumer can apply. The significance is the alignment with the desired policy, which allows the consumer to access the resources described by the policy app-01.

For the authenticated users interacting directly with the Vault CLI, a bearer token allows direct access to the secrets engine.


In general encryption-as-a-service practices, the expectation is that a service consumer routes the payload through the Transit Secrets Engine, receiving an encrypted blob in return. The service consumer is then responsible for storing the content in a desired endpoint with the encrypted material.

To illustrate with an example, assume a named key to support encryption services of documents. The endpoint app-01 is configured with an AES-GCM with 256-bit AES and 96-bit nonce mode operations and is used to support encryption, decryption, key derivation, and convergent encryption.

In this context, the consumer routes a data blob through the encryption endpoint, and the secrets engine returns a response object that includes encrypted data. The consumer is responsible for safely storing the encrypted data on an appropriate storage medium.

Encryption-as-a-Service: Routing data through Vault Transit Secrets Engine

Using the Vault CLI, the inline encryption operation requires passing the desired data encoded in the base64 scheme.

vault write transit/encrypt/app-01 \
plaintext=$(base64 <<< "4024-0071-7958-8446")

The returning payload object includes the corresponding encrypted ciphertext. The consumer is then responsible for storing the payload for future reference.

Key            Value
--- -----
ciphertext vault:v1:DFA010gVDW5ks6S5hQIjbRjuIhEXSnLm9gjY [...]
key_version 1

For completeness, it is relevant to explain that the decryption procedure follows a similar pattern. With the successful authentication of the consumer, the policy allows for decryption services. The consumer then routes the ciphertext through Vault to obtain unencrypted data.

vault write transit/decrypt/app-01 \ 
ciphertext="vault:v1:DFA010gVDW5ks6S5hQIjbRjuIhEXSnLm9gjY [...]"
Key Value
--- -----
plaintext NDAyNC0wMDcxLTc5NTgtODQ0Ng==

The data produced is encoded in the base64 scheme and requires decoding.

base64 --decode <<< "NDAyNC0wMDcxLTc5NTgtODQ0Ng=="4024-0071-7958-8446

In the end, the consumer can extract the original data payload and present it to the next operation.

Generating an external data key

There are situations in which routing data through the Transit Secrets Engine is not ideal. There can be multiple reasons, but the most common are:

  • The payload is too large to transfer over the network when data blobs are about two Gigabytes in size or more.
  • The operation must be completed locally on a document or abstract object, not on a single string of data.

The first step is to update the appropriate capabilities to the consumer’s policy. This ensures that the consumer can generate a new high-entropy key and value using app-01 as the encryption key.

# app-01.hcl 
path "transit/encrypt/app-01" {
capabilities = [ "update" ]
path "transit/decrypt/app-01" {
capabilities = [ "update" ]
path "transit/datakey/plaintext/app-01" {
capabilities = [ "update" ]

In a routine operation, the consumer can generate a request which returns a response object with ciphertext and plaintext values.

vault write -f transit/datakey/plaintext/app-01 
Key Value
--- -----
ciphertext vault:v1:q98ntBqvUL+x1/8IF2hb4/V2nw/OAezbS7 [...]
key_version 1
plaintext 18rTYrIjBGejLvptBTpcbnE7k1U29lOFys1OwW2S1yQ=
Encryption-as-a-Service External Key: Using a high-entropy key from the main Transit key chain

The ciphertext returned reflects the encrypted value of the plaintext. The ciphertext is used to recall the data key when needed. The consumer must preserve the ciphertext and the relationship to the data file or data object involved in the encryption or decryption operations.

The plaintext is a bytes object of a named data key. The bytes object can be 128, 256, or 256 bits in length, encoded in the base64 scheme. Once unwrapped, the consumer uses this object to create a block cipher. The cipher must be combined with a mode of operation to support symmetric or asymmetric encryption MODES.

Applying the data key for distinct encryption operations

In the example for encryption operations, we reference Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) MODE Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC). Depending on the implementation library used for this operation, there can be additional parameters to fulfill. For instance, with Python tests, the AES.MODE_CBC requires an initialization vector (iv) parameter that is unique to the operation. Hence, it also needs to be documented in the metadata for future reference.

There are multiple techniques to accomplish the work. For illustration purposes, we save the metadata externally in a JSON object for future reference. In other situations, the data is added to the encrypted payload, and positional information is written in the header of the encrypted object itself.

Encryption Operations: Using the external data key for encryption and decryption operations

Lastly, for every encryption function, there must be a decryption function. And, in every situation, a newly created cipher must use a key to perform the assigned task. For encryption operations, the key is generated directly from the Transit Secrets Engine. Once the procedure completes, the key is discarded, and the corresponding ciphertext is saved. The ciphertext also needs to have a relational link to the object used in the encryption process.

When the consumer decrypts an encrypted object, it uses the ciphertext to unencrypt the original data using the app-01 encryption key. With the original data key reproduced, a cipher is used to decrypt the encrypted object.

To complement this essay, we prepared functional code to perform encryption and decryption using Transit Data Keys. The examples help describe working conditions but are not ready for production roles. The breakdown is functional to support different crypto operations. In real life, the code snippets should be refactored, curated, or fully rewritten.

Assume that we are using the HVAC API client for Vault and generating a Data Key from the Transit Secrets Engine.

client = vault_client()
response = client.get_datakey()

We extract the plaintext and ciphertext from the response as follows:

plaintext = response['data']['plaintext']
ciphertext = response['data']['ciphertext']

Our Data Key is extracted as follows:

key = b64decode(str(plaintext).encode('utf-8'))

With the bytes object ready, we create a new cipher. Note that the AES.MODE_CBC requires an initialization vector (iv) parameter. While we do not handle that with the Transit Secrets Engine in our example, it is possible to generate random bytes to handle from Vault directly.

cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)

The cipher can encrypt a binary chunk of data.


The application is responsible for maintaining the ciphertext and the key should be discarded.

A subsequent operation to decrypt an encrypted object requires the reference to the saved ciphertext to derive the key to rebuild the cipher . For example:

client = vault_client()
response = client.decrypt_datakey(ciphertext)
plaintext = response['data']['plaintext']
key = b64decode(str(plaintext).encode('utf-8'))
cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC, e_iv)

Finally, the cipher can decrypt a binary chunk of data.


You can find the technical exercise in this GitHub repository.


The native encryption services offered with the Vault Transit Secrets Engine are versatile with inline and offline options. The main considerations for the appropriate approach refer to the business needs. For instance, inline data encryption for software applications reduces the coding overhead and delegates the crypto functions to the Vault Transit Secrets Engine. On the other hand, offline operations like encryption and decryption of sensitive documents utilize the derived data keys, and the software assumes responsibility for applying the crypto functions.

