Countdown 2 days! Preview of Exciting Events at Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023

HashKey News
HashKey Group
Published in
7 min readApr 10, 2023

Co-hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and HashKey Group, and organised by W3ME, the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will take place from April 12 to 15.

Hong Kong, April 10, 2023 — Co-organised by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and HashKey Group, and managed by W3ME, the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). The event will officially open in less than 3 days!

The four-day Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will include 5 venues with nearly 9,000 square meters of exhibition space, over 300 highly influential global speakers, and over 100 popular Web3 projects, communities, and media present at the event. From April 12th to 15th, the organisers and co-conveners of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will hold 10 thematic sessions and collaboration events, and more than 20 Web3 star projects will conduct project demonstrations at the Demo Day event at the Sub-stage 1. During the event, visit the official website of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 to watch the live broadcast of the main venue.

Starting with the birth of blockchain

As the beginning of the blockchain industry, what industry guidance methodology can we summarise from the development process of the Bitcoin network? What are the development trends of virtual assets in the future? The “Bitcoin Ecosystem: Technology and Development” thematic session jointly organised by the convener of the conference, DeFi Road, BTC Media, and the organiser, will be held all day on April 14th at the main venue of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023. The session aims to explore the challenges and opportunities faced by Bitcoin technology in the continuous development process, and look forward to the future development direction of the Bitcoin ecosystem.

It is worth mentioning that Dr. XIAO Feng, Chairman and CEO of Wanxiang Blockchain and Chairman of HashKey Group, will host the establishment ceremony of the “Green Bitcoin Alliance” at the event, and release the “Bitcoin Hashing Power Carbon Neutral Application”. On-site subscription of green certificate quotas or participation in interactive games “Green Giant” will have the opportunity to receive green airdrops!

Entering the future of Web3

With the rapid development of global Web3 technology, entrepreneurs around the world are also accelerating their exploration of Web3 applications to find new business models and development opportunities. The “Future of Web3” session of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will be held in sub-stage 3 on the afternoon of April 13th, and the “ThreeDAO Launching Camp” of ThreeDAO will also be launched during the session.

The special guests of the session will focus on development issues such as “Metaverse Solutions”, “Web3 Security: Challenges, Solutions and Opportunities”, “Decentralised Mobile Computing Network”, and “NFT Construction of Web3 world” from different perspectives of underlying technology and application innovation, leading attendees who are concerned about the Web3 industry to better understand industry trends and provide them with valuable insights for their future work and entrepreneurship.

Stirring up the Web3 storm

As an important part of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023, the “Web3.0 Application Demo Day” of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will be presented at sub-stage 1 of HKCEC on April 14th-15th. The projects that will take the stage on the first day include BlockSec, DeSchool, Pawnfi, Voty, Chatpuppy, Mail3, BCDEx, xBank, Qiming Venture Partners, SevenX, Incuba Alpha, dappOS, MMMM, Coinsdo, Gameland, Zebec, 0xScope, TON, Pluto Studio, PooPooPuppy, Openverse, CIVIA, KNN3, Hashed, and HashGlobal, more than 20 high-quality Web3 projects covering multiple tracks such as Web3 infrastructure, DeFi, NFT, social media, games, education, and public chains showcasing the latest developments in Web3 application areas.

Currently, well-known investment institutions such as Capital, Fenbushi Capital, Gaorong Capital, Hashed, Hash Global, HashKey Capital, Incuba Alpha, NGC Ventures, North Beta Capital, Qiming Venture Partners, SevenX Ventures, and SNZ have confirmed their attendance and will provide targeted advice and guidance for outstanding projects during the two-day event.

Exciting events co-created with partners

  • Hear the “stereo sound” of virtual assets:
    On the morning of April 14, the co-creation session hosted by HashKey Capital will focus on “Web3 Future Compliance Construction and Investment.” Investment portfolio companies, investors, and ecosystem partners from HashKey Capital will gather in sub-stage 2 to explore how to establish a compliant and sustainable future for the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry.
  • See the “new stage” of digital assets:
    On the afternoon of April 14, sub-stage 2 will host the HashKey Pro special session “Digital Asset Exchange Stage,” inviting world-class industry leaders from mature projects, start-ups, and investment institutions to share their insights and perspectives on hot topics such as cryptocurrency, DeFi, tokenisation, and emerging trends in the industry, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state and future prospects of the industry for attendees.
  • Build an unlimited future based on Layer1:
    On the morning of April 14, NEAR will host the “NEAR in HK: Creating an Unlimited Future” session in sub-stage 3. This is NEAR’s first industry gathering, and well-known project leaders from the NEAR ecosystem will explore how NEAR will achieve widespread application in the Open Web through keynote speeches and roundtable discussions.
  • Use standards to promote sustainable development of Web3:
    On the morning of April 14, the “Web3 Standard Innovation” session, a side event of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 co-hosted by IEEE BDL and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, will be held grandly in sub-stage 4. The session aims to propose an overall idea for the development of Web3.0 in Hong Kong and will invite experts and international standardisation organisations from around the world to focus on the standardisation of Web3 for exciting speeches.
  • Seize the Metaverse opportunity from Web3:
    On the afternoon of April 14, BitMart and MetaEra will hold the “2023, Where is the Metaverse Opportunity” session in sub-stage 4 of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023. Attendees will not only be able to obtain all knowledge and resources related to the Metaverse ecosystem here, but also have the opportunity to have conversations with over 50 well-known guests from more than 10 different countries and 30 different industry tracks, as well as meet potential customers, partners, investment companies, project teams, and opinion leaders on site.

The application of Web3 technology will change people’s lives and work in the near future. As a global Web3 event, the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 provides a platform for friends around the world who are concerned about the development of Web3 to communicate, cooperate, and learn. We sincerely invite experts, elites, and practitioners from all walks of life to participate in the promotion and application of Web3 technology, and work together to promote the development of Web3 technology and create a better future!

Want to know more? Check out our latest event agenda, speaker and partner line-up here.

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About the Web3 Festival

The inaugural Hong Kong Web3 Festival (12–15 April) is a virtual asset-focused conference co-hosted by the HashKey Group and Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and organised by W3ME at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The event will draw more than 10,000 offline attendees and will also feature over 100 crypto projects as exhibitors and 300 distinguished industry leaders, venture capitalists and senior executives from finance institutions as speakers. The Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will be held in sync with the Hong Kong International Innovation and Technology Exhibition (InnoEX), organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). Together, this series of events are branded as the Business Week of Innovation and Technology (BitWeek) hosted by HKTDC.

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About Wanxiang Blockchain Labs

Funded by China Wanxiang Holdings in Sep.2015, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs is a non-profit research institution with Vitalik Buterin, Founder of Ethereum as its Chief Scientist. Aiming to accelerate socioeconomic development with blockchain technologies, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs has been gathering global experts together to research such topics as blockchain technology R&D, commercial application, industrial strategies, etc. and providing practical instructions for startups and useful references for policy makers.

About HashKey Group

HashKey Group is an end-to-end virtual asset financial services group in Asia. The Group provides a complete ecosystem across the entire virtual asset landscape, ranging from trading, custody, venture investment, technologies to Web3 infrastructure. HashKey’s senior team has decades of investment and trading experience and deep market insights gained from tier-one banks, regulators and FinTech ventures. By bringing together the most advanced blockchain research and development and technologies, HashKey identifies potential opportunities and delivers end-to-end solutions that operate within regulatory frameworks with the highest compliance standards. The Group has operations in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan, and extensive partnerships with FinTech and blockchain solutions providers, academic institutions and associations.

