Digital Assets in 2021: Technology

HashKey Group
HashKey Group
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2021

區塊鏈交易擁堵是急需解決的技術問題,擴容成為這一年的高頻話題。區塊鏈之間的互操作性也在這一年得到發展,尤其是在金融類應用落地之後,跨鏈資產橋項目得到更多關注。以太坊、Polkadot、Dfinity 在 2021 年都有重大進展,例如修改手續費收取方式,卡槽拍賣,上線主網等。本文將圍繞 2021 年的技術進展進行分析,包括閃電網絡、以太坊 Layer 2、跨鏈資產橋、以太坊倫敦升級、Polkadot 平行鏈,Dfinity主網上線的內容。


Blockchain interoperability has seen some massive breakthroughs in 2021, and as DeFi applications become more mature, it’s not surprising that cross-chain bridge projects have grown at an unprecedented rate. However, scalability and the congestion of blockchain transactions remain two pressing technical issues that need addressing. Protocols such as Ethereum, Polkadot and Dfinity have made significant progress in 2021, such as modifying the way they charge fees, auctioning off parachain slots, and launching their mainnet. This research paper breaks down some of the technical highlights and achievements of 2021, including the Lightning Network, Layer 2 solutions on Ethereum, cross-chain bridges, Ethereum’s London upgrade, the Polkadot Slot Auctions, and the launch of the Dfinity Mainnet.

Download the report here. (NOTE: The report is written in Traditional Chinese)

About the Author:
Dr. David Zou Chuanwei is the Chief Economist at HashKey Group and Wanxiang Blockchain. Between 2006 and 2019, Dr. Zou held various positions in China Investment Corporation (CIC) and Nanhu Finance Corporation. In 2015, he was a winner of the 1st Sun Yefang Prize for Financial Innovation (China’s top prize for economists) and the 5th China Soft Science Prize for his research on FinTech. In 2013, 2014, 2017 and 2021,

Dr. Zou’s books were listed as the “financial books of the year” by the China Business Network. In 2019, he was named one of the “top 10 institutional economists of the year” by China Business Network. He has a Ph.D. in Economics from Tsinghua University, a Mid-Career MPA from Harvard University, an M.A. in Economics and B.S. in Statistics from Peking University.

About HashKey Group
HashKey Group is Asia’s leading end-to-end digital asset management and finance house. Headquartered in Hong Kong and with operations in Singapore and Tokyo, HashKey Group empowers institutional investors to capture high-potential investment opportunities in digital assets and blockchain technology. The company’s core businesses include an SFC to-be-licensed digital asset exchange, a full-service brokerage platform, an institutional-grade custody service and a venture capital fund invested in blockchain companies and digital asset projects globally.



HashKey Group
HashKey Group

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