Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 to feature Panel on Layer 2 Ecosystem in Collaboration with SNZ

HashKey News
HashKey Group
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2023

Co-hosted by Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and HashKey Group, and organised by W3ME, the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will take place from April 12 to 15.

HONG KONG, March 31, 2023 — We are pleased to announce that on April 13th, 2023, during the Hong Kong Web3 Festival at sub-stage 1, we will be hosting a “Layer 2 & Ecosystem — Scaling Up Web 3.0” themed panel discussion with SNZ. The panel, focusing on the innovative developments of Layer 2 networks and zero-knowledge (ZK) technology, will feature a lineup of globally renowned experts and leaders of the Layer 2 ecosystem development team as keynote speakers.

The “Layer 2 & Ecosystem — Scaling Up Web 3.0” panel organised by the SNZ and the organisers will be held on April 13th at the Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023, inviting heavyweight guest speakers such as:

· Ed Felten, Co-founder and chief scientist of Arbitrum

· Shuyao Kong, Global Strategic Initiative Director of ConsenSys

· Sandy Peng, Co-founder of Scroll Network

· Brendan Farmer, Co-founder of Polygon Zero

· Kurt Patat, Vice President of Polygon Labs Community

· Frank Kong, Asia Pacific Developer Community Leader of Chainlink Labs

· Leo Fan, Co-founder of Cysic

· Boyang HAN, Senior Platform & SoC Architect of Cysic

· Matthew Finestone, Chief Operating Officer of Taiko

· Kenny Li, Co-founder of Manta Network

· DONG Mo, Co-founder of Celer Network

· Fubiao XIA, Co-founder of PADO

· NanFeng, Co-founder and CEO of Opside

· David Sheer, Co-founder of ZK Me

· Leona Hioki, Co-founder of INTMAX

· Philip Eriksson, Head of Partnerships & Growth at Ola

The year began with a flurry of activity among projects addressing scalability issues in blockchain and a steady stream of promising developments. In mid-February, Arbitrum announced Stylus, a developer-friendly programming environment, while Polygon’s zkEVM test version was launched on March 27th. Scroll is also expected to launch its mainnet this year. Additionally, new L2 and ZK projects such as ConsenSys zkEVM (Linea), Taiko, Opside, and IntMax have recently launched testnets.

The Layer 2 ecosystem is flourishing, with significant progress in both infrastructure and application layers. Meanwhile, Ethereum developers have commenced testing on the Goerli testnet and are anticipating the arrival of the Shanghai upgrade on April 12th. With the impending Shanghai upgrade, the future of Layer 2 development is becoming a hot topic in the blockchain industry.

According to the Ethereum roadmap disclosed by Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin, after the completion of the Shanghai upgrade, Ethereum core developers plan to release EIP-4844 in mid-2023, which will substantially enhance the scalability of the Ethereum network, with Layer 2 scaling also set to improve to a much greater extent. The arrival of this new upgrade is expected to herald another peak of development for the Layer 2 field.

The “Layer 2 & Ecosystem — Scaling Up Web 3.0” panel organised by SNZ and the organisers, will feature heavyweight guest speakers, including representatives of renowned Layer 2 networks and ZK technology projects. They will share their insights on the Layer 2 blockchain ecosystem and look ahead to the future development and opportunities of the Layer 2 and ZK fields.

For more information on keynote speakers and attending events, please follow the official Twitter account of the Hong Kong Web3 Festival to stay up to date with the latest updates.

Contact the Organiser: w3@blockchain.org

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About the Web3 Festival

The inaugural Hong Kong Web3 Festival (12–15 April) is a virtual asset-focused conference co-hosted by the HashKey Group and Wanxiang Blockchain Labs and organised by W3ME at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The event will draw more than 10,000 offline attendees and will also feature over 100 crypto projects as exhibitors and 300 distinguished industry leaders, venture capitalists and senior executives from finance institutions as speakers. The Hong Kong Web3 Festival 2023 will be held in sync with the Hong Kong International Innovation and Technology Exhibition (InnoEX), organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). Together, this series of events are branded as the Business Week of Innovation and Technology (BitWeek) hosted by HKTDC.

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About Wanxiang Blockchain Labs

Funded by China Wanxiang Holdings in Sep.2015, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs is a non-profit research institution with Vitalik Buterin, Founder of Ethereum as its Chief Scientist. Aiming to accelerate socioeconomic development with blockchain technologies, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs has been gathering global experts together to research such topics as blockchain technology R&D, commercial application, industrial strategies, etc. and providing practical instructions for startups and useful references for policy makers.

About HashKey Group

HashKey Group is an end-to-end virtual asset financial services group in Asia. The Group provides a complete ecosystem across the entire virtual asset landscape, ranging from trading, custody, venture investment, technologies to Web3 infrastructure. HashKey’s senior team has decades of investment and trading experience and deep market insights gained from tier-one banks, regulators and FinTech ventures. By bringing together the most advanced blockchain research and development and technologies, HashKey identifies potential opportunities and delivers end-to-end solutions that operate within regulatory frameworks with the highest compliance standards. The Group has operations in Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan, and extensive partnerships with FinTech and blockchain solutions providers, academic institutions and associations.

