Using Starburst Presto to Federate SQL Queries Across Multiple Data Sources

Senthil Anandarangan
Hashmap, an NTT DATA Company
8 min readAug 14, 2020

by Senthil Anandarangan and Ganesh Hegde

The data virtualization world as we know it is full of ifs and buts. Many organizations are constantly experimenting on their data management architecture and developing scalable solutions to custom fit their existing and future needs.

Although doing ETL (or ELT) to centralize large data for reporting and analytics is the preferred approach for OLAP queries, it’s not always the right approach that fits all business needs. Allowing real-time access to multiple source systems’ data by hiding the technical details and physical location of data and combining them into one single federated SQL query view is the challenge that Data Virtualization tools take on!

In this blog post, we want to share our experiences with trying out data virtualization capabilities of the Starburst Enterprise Presto SQL query engine querying directly on the source data of multiple data sources.

From One to Many

In our last blog post, we covered how to set up and run Starburst Enterprise Presto to run SQL queries directly over S3 data sources as well as how to connect Starburst Presto with Looker to create quick visualizations over the source data and analyze data patterns. Here it is in case you missed it:

A single Presto query can combine data from multiple sources. Presto offers connectors to data sources including files in HDFS, AWS S3, Azure Blob/ADLS, Google Cloud Storage, MySQL, PostgresSQL, SQLServer, Oracle, AWS Redshift, Snowflake, BigQuery, Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis and many more. Refer to the Presto documentation on various data sources and connectors here.

From the list of available data connectors, we picked four, created a Looker analytic view of New York subway stations, and plotted the most used stations for city bike trips.

Test Data source JSON:

Assuming, you have a running Presto Cluster setup (as described in our last blog post).

Start connecting your data sources using Mission Control UI

Steps to Connect Google Cloud Storage

  1. Add + Data sources in the Mission Control and choose Google Cloud storage.
  2. Note the catalog name is defaulted to ‘hive’ as it is enforced for object storage connections using Internal Metastore. Although it is a little confusing, this is the way Presto understands to differentiate Metastore connections in case of multiple object-store queries.
  3. Choose Internal Metastore configuration and provide all details as shown.
  4. Attach Google storage access key JSON for the storage location and secure storage access.

After the update, open cluster configuration in Mission Control and add/include Google Cloud storage data source.

That’s it! We have configured the Google Cloud storage dataset. In order to start querying, it requires a restart of the Mission Control Clusters, however, we will hold on to restart until we connect the other three data sources.

Steps to Connect PostgreSQL on Azure Cloud

  1. Add + Data sources in the Mission Control and choose PostgreSQL connector.
  2. The configuration is very straight forward here; only the DB connection string parameters that you would provide here to establish a connection.

Steps to Connect to MongoDB no-SQL database

  1. Add + Data sources in the Mission Control and choose MongoDB connector.
  2. Provide the Mongo seed string to establish a connection.

Steps to Connect to Snowflake Data Warehouse

Although the Snowflake connector is available and supported by Presto, my Starburst version is not the latest and it was not listed in the available data sources to Add. There are 2 alternate ways to add unlisted connectors in Mission Control (of course, only if they are supported by Presto!).

  1. Check if you find a link on the data sources screen that says ‘Add one manually’. Once you add a manual data source, it will look like the example below in Snowflake:

2. If you do not see a Manual Add option, then you are probably not on the latest release of Mission Control. The alternative is to get .22 version installed where you can create manual connectors. Since we do not want to upgrade at this point, here is the other workaround that added Snowflake as bootstrap entry:

To add a connector that isn’t supported by Mission Control, you will need to create a bootstrap file that adds this file to the /etc/Presto/catalog directory of the Co-ordinator POD:

Using a bootstrap:

  1. Create yaml file below (shown as an example, any connector would work in here):

$ more snowflake.yaml
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: snowflake-connector
data: |-
tee << EOF > /etc/presto/catalog/

2. kubectl apply -f snowflake.yaml

3. Under the General Configuration click on the “Add Bootstrap script volume” and fill “snowflake-connector” as the name of the ConfigMap.

4. Save and restart the cluster.

Multiple Data Sources Connected View

After you connected all the above data sources, the view should look like below:

There are a few important things to note here:

  1. Azure ADLS and AWS S3 are also present from my other project and are not used for this demo. We can have as many data sources connected and can selectively configure [add/remove] them in the Run Cluster configuration.
  2. Keep in mind, Presto mandates a hive metastore connection for object storage connections. You can configure a connection to multiple object stores (ADLS, S3, etc.) and use the same Presto cluster to query them. For the 2nd connection (ADLS), configure it to use an external hive metastore and point it to the same one being used by the 1st (S3) connection. In terms of configuration, suppose if you have S3 and ADLS and are trying to query from both in the same SQL query, then the S3 connection will have Internal Metastore configured to the Hive Metastore DB connection parameters. ADLS will have the External Hive Metastore configured and pointing to the Internal Metastore connection hostname which should look like ‘hive-metastore-mc-0xxxxxxx.default.svc.cluster.local’ (if you are in doubt, this hostname can be located in the file in /etc/presto/catalog of Co-ordinator POD).
  3. Snowflake is missing in the list. This is because we have manually configured the Snowflake connector as it is not automatically available in my version of Starburst Demo. Though it doesn’t show up here, Snowflake tables can be still be queried (from Looker or another tool). If you want to double-check this type of connector installation, you may do so by looking at the Co-ordinator POD directory. The ‘/etc/presto/catalog’ directory should list all connected data sources. Look for ‘’ here, like for any other source .properties file.

It’s time to Restart and Run the Presto Cluster!

Verify the cluster shows ‘Running’ state.

Connecting Looker to Starburst Presto and Multiple Databases

Refer to our previous blog post outlining details on connecting Looker to Presto.

Setup new connections as stated below to connect to multiple data sources. Note, ‘hive’ is the mandatory data source name for the object sources using Internal MetaStore connections. More detail on this can be found here.

Developing LookML

Under “Develop -> (your Project)” you should see the tables appear for writing LookML Models and Views (one model per database):

Joining tables across connections

In the model, join the views with primary and foreign keys. If no such relationship exists, join by common field name.

Exploring the data in Looker

Explore the data before creating a dashboard by selecting multiple dimensions and measures with sorting and filters.

This dashboard is built using city bike data from Hive (Google Cloud storage), station data from Snowflake, and transit data from Postgres with Query federation done using Starburst Presto.

Closing Thoughts

With the growing list of data connectors, Presto provides an opportunity to realize data virtualization with federated SQL queries across multiple data sources. Presto’s Query Plan viewer is a huge plus for developers to identify SQL execution plans as well as optimize and improve query response times. Share your experiences with us if you have tried connecting other data sources and reporting tools to Starburst Presto!

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Senthil Anandarangan and Ganesh Hedge are Cloud, Data, and UI Engineers with Hashmap providing Data, Cloud, IoT, and AI/ML solutions and consulting expertise across industries with a group of innovative technologists and domain experts accelerating high-value business outcomes for our customers.

