Amazon registers three new domain names, related to crypto

Amazon registers three new domains related to crypto services.

Amazon, the world-known brand is entering the crypto industry and registers a couple of domain names related to cryptocurrencies.

Over a year ago Amazon announced the launch of the Quantum Ledger Database in parts of the U.S., Asia (Tokyo) and Europe (Ireland). Amazon QLDB is a fully managed registry database that provides a transparent, unchangeable and cryptographically verifiable transaction log for retail, finance, manufacturing, insurance and human resources applications. QLDB tracks every change in application data and maintains a complete and verifiable history of changes over time.

Recently it became known that the company registered three more cryptocurrency domains apart from already registered There were rumours and speculations around Amazon and about its interest in crypto-based services. Looks like the world-known brand is ready to enter the crypto industry. Based on the results of the Amazon survey conducted a year ago, almost 13 per cent of the company’s customers showed an inclination for crypto products.

Are you ready to join the crypto rally? If so, then buy cloud mining contracts at and keep up with Amazon starting from today. Maybe next year you will be able to pay for purchases at Amazon Prime Day 2020 with Bitcoin!



Andrey Costello
All about cloud Bitcoin mining — Hashmart Blog

Bitcoin-maximalist. Optimistic family man and miner with six years of age. I write about complicated things from the future for people of our days.