Bitcoin will be taught in French schools

French schools are adding Bitcoin to their educational programme.

The French education ministry has introduced a module to its high school curriculum that covers Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin will be taught in French schools: the study of the cryptocurrency has been added to the economic and social sciences educational programme. According to the French Ministry of Education, knowledge of the cryptocurrency will help students better understand the essence of money.

According to the ministry’s outline, students will be required to compare Bitcoin with fiat currencies, which will eventually lead to basic knowledge about Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and their role in the traditional financial world. They will be offered an introduction to the concept of decentralization in the context of traditional financial systems.

As part of the course, the Ministry has also developed 4 training videos, for example on whether Bitcoin can displace the euro and whether it deserves the title of the currency of the future. They show how the cryptocurrency is organized and how it differs from fiat money.

In October last year, the French financial institution Financia Business School introduced the possibility of paying for tuition in Bitcoin. In addition, a number of other Bitcoin-teaching universities around the world accept payment in cryptocurrencies.

Soon, Bitcoin education courses will take their place in the educational programme of many schools. It’s time to earn more BTC for the future! Buy Bitcoin cloud mining contracts today at and earn your first digital assets with best cloud mining service of 2019.



Andrey Costello
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