Mobile crypto apps are gaining popularity rapidly this year

Blockchain is making its way to mobile platforms — almost 4 million crypto apps were installed by smartphone users in July alone.

A record 3.5 million crypto wallet app downloads were recorded in July 2020, representing an increase of 81% when compared to the same period last year.

According to a report by Madeline Lenahan of Apptoppia, the coronavirus pandemic has had a positive impact on the popularity of mobile applications focused on cryptocurrencies. Last year the average number of downloaded crypto apps didn’t reach two million, however in July 2020 users made more than 3.5 million downloads. This is 85% more than in the same period in 2019.

Lenahan made an assumption about possible reason for the growth:

“Cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly mainstream in emerging markets, particularly in regions of Africa., for instance, has seen a 339% increase in new installations from Nigeria in the past 90 days. Coinbase has seen a 113% increase there.”

The most popular applications are Coinbase and with 969 000 and 576 000 active users per day. The top 10 ratings also include apps Blockchain, Luno, BCH, BRD, Trust and Binance.

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Andrey Costello
All about cloud Bitcoin mining — Hashmart Blog

Bitcoin-maximalist. Optimistic family man and miner with six years of age. I write about complicated things from the future for people of our days.