Automated Marketing with RiteKit Hashtag Report Data Exports and Copper CRM

Here’s a RiteTag hashtag report that you can open, view and even download 100% of the data from for use in CRM tools, such as Copper:

This report is for the hashtag #Privacy and includes 100% of the Tweets and Twitter accounts that Tweeted with the hashtag #privacy between August 2 and August 30, 2022. (There is no need to login or register for RiteTag to view and use the report. The report is public.)

You can download a CSV or Excel file with:

34,192 Twitter accounts
85,623 Tweets
15,410 Twitter accounts who Tweeted positive things about #Privacy
3,250 Twitter accounts who Tweeted negative things about #privacy

Or, you can use the data from the #Ikea Report.

Downloadable data for use in CRM tools

Much more is available to learn from and download from the #privacy report.

Got Copper? Use Copper CRM to create targeted marketing campaigns on Twitter, since from a RiteTag Hashtag Report, you have all Tweets and all Twitter accounts that Tweeted with a given hashtag:

  1. Identify influencers: Use the Twitter accounts that have used the given hashtag to identify influencers in your industry. Reach out to them to collaborate on a campaign or to promote your products or services.
  2. Create targeted ad campaigns: Use the breakdown of positive and negative Tweets to create targeted ad campaigns. For example, if there are more negative Tweets than positive, create a campaign focused on addressing any concerns or negative feedback.
  3. Use the breakdown of positive/negative adjectives to inform your messaging: Use the breakdown of positive and negative adjectives to inform your messaging in your marketing campaigns.
  4. Use the most used emojis to make your ads more appealing: Use the most used emojis to make your ads more appealing and more likely to be noticed.
  5. Use the breakdown of sentiment over time to inform your campaigns: Use the breakdown of sentiment over time to inform your campaigns. For example, if sentiment is trending positively, focus on campaigns that highlight your strengths.

All of the above can be done in Copper CRM with a RiteKit Hashtag Report’s data exports, as it has robust marketing automation feature which will help you to create and execute these campaigns.

RiteKit Hashtag Reports get 100% of the Tweets and Twitter accounts that used a given hashtag for up to the last thirty days. When you order a report, you set the date range, which can be up to the last thirty days. When the report is complete, you can choose to make the report open to the public or leave it private.

Here’s the help page for ordering Hashtag Reports and keeping your cost per report as low as possible.

If you have a unique process for using data from RiteTag Hashtag Reports with a CRM tool, we’d love to team up with you on a cross promotion campaign, so write us!



Saul Fleischman: Founder of RiteKit and The Tavern
RiteKit Social Media Optimization

CEO & Founder @Rite_Kit: quality social media crafting and automation for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and beyond. Tweet to me, I talk back