Why you should use your quarantine time to get active with social media

We’re stuck inside, isolated and so are you. It sucks. Others tell you they care. We do too. I do, too. I’ll also give you ideas on what you can do right now that will get results that you would not get at any other time.

It turns out that people are glued to social media, and we, at RiteKit, want you to know just how much. We’ve seen a spike in registrations, usage, sales and upgrades of our social media optimization, auto-generation and publishing tools, and think you should know about the opportunity to get your brand seen during the pandemic.

What they’re saying

The Drum:
We are seeing a predictable knock-on effect of the social distancing measures on consumer behaviour, with media consumption increasing across all in-home channels, including web browsing (+70% over normal usage rates), traditional TV viewing (+63%), and social media engagement (+61%).


Influencer Marketing Hub:

There has been a shift in preferred social networks over the last few weeks. Twitter has surged in popularity recently, presumably because of its news-focus. Quite a few of our respondents also reported increasing their Facebook usage, although this may have been more to check in on their family and friends than for work activities. As a result of this, our respondents are using Instagram proportionally less now that they were just a few weeks ago.


VOX / Recode:

The coronavirus pandemic has made Twitter more valuable than ever to its users. But that spike in interest isn’t doing anything for Twitter’s ad business, which is in free fall — because of the pandemic.


While Twitter’s ad business (Promoted Tweets) is in free fall, engagement with Tweets is enormous, and why it’s time to advertise to those who click URLs in your organic, non-paid Tweets. I’ll give you my process and the results I’m seeing, far down below.

Media consumption is up, and with everyone except Boomers, video is the highest (and I’ll show you exactly how to tap into that by advertising on a page with anyone’s embedded Youtube video).

If you can, make great videos. Get seen in Youtube, Tiktok, Vimeo and IGTV (Instagram). On the other hand, you can ride the interest people have in other people’s videos and appeal — and make no videos yourself. And you will advertise on top of them.

I usually import entire Youtube channels, Enhance 100 posts with my ads and other goodies. Here is what it looks like when you use the RiteForge browser extension to Enhance a post in Youtube.

How we market Rite.ly with that: see what you get when people click the https://rite.ly/wrj8 link made by clicking the RiteForge browser button:

The Tweet:

Here’s your process, and you can try all of it completely free of change, no credit card, no obligation of any kind:

  1. Get set up with RiteKit. Here’s the tutorial for getting set up with the essentials. Never mind the tutorial title; it’s for you, even if you just do social for your business or organization, rather than on behalf of clients.
  2. Make an image Rite.ly Link Ad, which will appear on top of pages that open when people click on URLs in the social posts you share everywhere.
  3. Find Youtube channels that are in the right genre for your audience, make RiteBoost Bulk Creator Formulas for each.
  4. Enhance social posts generated from the Youtube video links and schedule up to 100 posts at a time. (“Enhance?” That means auto-generate social posts with all the bells and whistles, including hashtags, your advertisement on URLs and more — learn about it or just tweak your Enhance Preset)

Below are examples of Tweets that were generated with the process described above. You’ll see my Link Ad in each if you click the Rite.ly link in these Tweets.

Advertising on one of our own videos

Try the Rite.ly in the Tweet: #Video: #RiteTag Pro #BrowserExtension generates hashtags from any photo or text for Instagram, Twitter, etc. http://rite.ly/wr3p

Advertising on top of a competitor’s videos

Try the Rite.ly in the Tweet:
Learn the Do’s and Don’ts Of #Hashtags from Megan of @MeetEdgar http://rite.ly/wrj8 Free bonus: see my ass, too!

Here’s my default Enhance Preset:

My main Enhance Preset. Note that the RIteKit stuff on the right is stuff I added just for myself. You could do similarly with your own Replace rules or do nothing with Replace — it’s all up to you.

Make your’s here. You’ll use it through the mobile app and the browser extension included with RiteForge.

Why do this? Here’s the 1.3M brand impressions I’ve earned for RiteKit with nothing but my own social profiles, Formulas like the type described above, and a few Rite.ly Link Ads.

Get everything you need and lots of it: introducing the RiteKit Package

I’ve got something for you. To use the above process, you’ll need RiteForge for publishing, RiteBoost for auto-generation of social posts with all the goodies, and Rite.ly for those Link Ads. You can get all of this in a deeply discounted package, either monthly or yearly. The package also includes RiteTag. In fact, we designed the RiteKit package to include everything (and high tiers), so there would be nothing more to ever pay for. See it in our pricing — and if you see this before it appears in our pricing, chat to us on the site and say “package details?” We’ll send you the information and make a note to ping you the day the package becomes available.

Note that for links shortened with Rite.ly, Facebook and LinkedIn will not accept them. This is beyond our control; FB and LinkedIn are now blocking all short links created of full URLs. So, if using RiteForge, RiteBoost for scheduling posts, we suggest that you do not shorten links for posts you schedule to LinkedIn or Facebook. If just using Rite.ly, even with custom subdomain, please use them in Tweets, emails, IG comments — and everywhere else — just not in FB or LinkedIn.



Saul Fleischman: Founder of RiteKit and The Tavern
RiteKit Social Media Optimization

CEO & Founder @Rite_Kit: quality social media crafting and automation for Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn and beyond. Tweet to me, I talk back