Hashtag project is

Illya Bakurov
Hashtag Project
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2017


You know how many blogs and websites out there who list all famous Instagram accounts which ‘you must follow’? — A lot. That’s great, but that’s great for newcoming users to Instagram, who are not yet looking to explode their account with content and trying to build their audience.

In this series of articles I will be taking subject, such as: Toronto cityscapes or NYC food, or coffee, skiing, etc. and I will list all of the hashtags and accounts who provide you with the option to be featured. Yes, all cities, all topics — that’s a lot of research!

So what does it mean and how is it going to work?

Instagram is a great tool for photographers, because photographers love appreciation of their work. Instagram let’s you build an audience around your style of photography and receive comments and likes.

But it is hard for photographers who travel a lot and/or take photos in different topics: food, landscapes, people, dogs, etc. If you are like me, and trying to get likes and comments from people on Instagram, you’ve probably already made couple researches for popular hashtags and accounts who can feature your amazing work, thus gain more followers and recieve more feedback.

There are plenty applications which provide you with the most popular hashtags, but they are global, and usually, only bots like those posts, moreover you receive quite a bunch fake comments and get overall dissapointed (you can read about it in my another article).

What I propose is the list of hashtags and accounts on Instagram divided by cities/places and topics, which can lead you to more real eyes of Instagram users, through been featured on those bigger pages. This is crucial for newbies on Instagram and I’ve learned it from my own experience. I’ve also realized how long and hard it is to come up with such list of most adequate and relevant accounts, so I want to share my knowledge and experience with you!

Follow this publication for more amazing articles and you will be able to build the real fan-base on Instagram. I also encourage you to follow @ibakurov on Instagram for great and motivational photos.

Follow @ibakurov at Medium, Instagram, Twitter, and ProductHunt ❤️



Illya Bakurov
Hashtag Project

Have 5 years of experience in app dev and marketing. Writing articles on how others approach this challenges 🚀https://eventlime.com & https://buythisoutfit.com