Indivisible, getting organized! Press roundup, February 14–17

Jon Pincus
Published in
12 min readFeb 18, 2017

With Congressional recesses next week, the Indivisible movement’s preparing for Town Halls. There’s even more national coverage than in Ramping up! (the previous press roundup), including including Claire Foran’s The Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ Takes Hold in Red States in The Atlantic, Time, Newsweek, NPR, Common Dreams, Talking Points Memo, Vice, and of course Rachel Maddow.

Once again, though, it’s the local newspapers and TV stations who are where the action is — which is pretty much everywhere at this point! Here’s a partial roundup … if you know some other links, please leave them as “responses.”

Thanks to Seattle Indivisible for the inspiration, and Luna for the excellent formatting suggestions!

WINA, Albemarle County, Virgnia: Indivisible Charlottesville shows up with “Valentines” for Tom Garrett

Nearly 100 members of Indivisible Charlottesville showed up at Congressman Tom Garrett’s office on Berkmar Circle on Valentine’s Day. The group had plenty of Valentines on hand, but they weren’t exactly love notes.

Daily Progress, Albemarle County, Virginia: Garrett’s Facebook Live town hall does little to quell constituent concerns

Pressure is mounting in the Charlottesville area for Rep. Tom Garrett, R-5th, to hold an in-person town hall meeting with his constituents, as some have disapproved of the live video events that he and his staff are utilizing as town halls. Indivisible Charlottesville held another weekly demonstration in front of Garrett’s Charlottesville office on Tuesday, the day after he hosted a Facebook Live meeting to answer his constituents’ questions.

The Daily Press, Virginia: Indivisible rally set for Presidents Day in Williamsburg

Josie Soltys is an accountant in Williamsburg who never imagined she’d be on the ground floor of a groundswell. Now, to her own surprise, she’s part of a loose grassroots movement — dubbed Indivisible — that’s coalescing across the country in defense of what many consider assaults on core American values. By Tamara Dietrich

News Leader, Roanoke, Virginia: Goodlatte declines invite to ‘People’s Town Hall’

Sixth District Rep. Bob Goodlatte has declined an invitation to appear at a town hall meeting organized by a Roanoke grassroots organization demanding a meeting with him.

Ocean Beach Rag, California: Indivisible San Diego and ACLU Help Move City Council to Join Lawsuit Against Trump Ban

Indivisible San Diego rallied with the ACLU Tuesday, Feb. 14th outside City Hall to call on the San Diego City Council to get off the sidelines and join the lawsuit against the Trump Muslim ban. And then they did. The Council voted 8–1 to authorize City Attorney Mara Elliott to file an amicus brief on behalf of the City of San Diego to join the lawsuit initiated by Washington State against the ban.

The Buffalo News, New York: Progressives plan resistance at Tom Reed’s town halls

Rep. Tom Reed can expect to face some strong resistance at his four town hall meetings in the Southern Tier this weekend. By Jerry Zremski

Also featured in Town halls set stage for showdowns, by Jason Jordan, in The Evening Tribune, New York: Rep. John Katko explains why he won’t hold public town hall meeting

Katko, R-Camillus, has declined those requests, and said today he won’t let the Indivisible movement “hijack service to my district or disrupt meaningful engagement with my constituents.” The CNY Solidarity Coalition, a collection of local progressive groups that has asked Katko to host an in-person public town hall meeting, has affiliated with the Indivisible movement. By Mark Weiner

Also featured in CNYCentral

Idaho Statesman: New Trump-resistance group Indivisible borrows tips from the tea party

On Valentine’s Day, about 50 people visited the Boise offices of Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch and Rep. Mike Simpson. They delivered a petition signed by 1,000 people calling for each to hold a town hall meeting to hear their concerns and answer questions. Sam Sandmire, of Boise, traveled to all three offices with the group. She was surprised by how many people turned out. She asked eight participants how they had heard about the event. They cited friends, neighbors, co-workers and various social-media groups. “I got eight different answers,” she said. By Cynthia Sewell

Charleston City Paper, South Carolina: Indivisible Charleston plans protest during President Trump’s visit to the area

The protest will focus on demanding that the president release his tax returns, and those planning to attend are reminded “We are peaceful protesters. We come in peace.” Organizers hope that they can make this gathering “Yuge” and send a message to President Trump during his visit to North Charleston. By Dustin Waters

Also discussed in Protest planned for Trump’s Lowcountry visit by Jenna-Ley Harrison in the Berkeley Independent; and PHOTOS: Protests in South Carolina, The Statehouse Report

The Press Tribune, Placer County, California: ‘Indivisible,’ other Trump opposition groups meet in Rocklin

On Monday night, approximately 150 people, including many who were at the Feb. 4 protest, met at Skipolini’s Pizza & Pasta in Rocklin. Those in attendance represented a wide range of ages. Many were political novices, but they appear to be growing more active in the conservative-leaning Placer County.

Santa Barbara Independent, California: Indivisible Santa Barbara Borrows Tea Party Tactics

Anti-Trump activists have designated every Tuesday a “Trump Tuesday,” a time to demonstrate their disagreement with the new president’s agenda. This last Tuesday started off on a positive note, with a delegation from Indivisible Santa Barbara, a branch of the nationwide movement, showering newly elected Congressmember Salud Carbajal with handmade Valentine’s greetings.

Spencer Daily Reporter, Iowa: Indivisible’ protesters send Valentine’s Day greetings to King, Republicans

Protest organizer Jane Shuttleworth … said that Tuesday’s group was initially organized by the Iowa Great Lakes Indivisible group. Shuttleworth said the protest was planned in a matter of days, mostly through social media.

SCTimes, Sartell, Minnesota: Groups plan demonstrations during Rep. Emmer’s visit

Local groups concerned about policy decisions being made by President Donald Trump and lawmakers plan to demonstrate during U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer’s visit to Sartell next week, hoping to voice their concerns…. Organizers expect up to 100 demonstrators from groups including Indivisible Minnesota Congressional District 6, Stand Up Minnesota and Expect Resistance. By Ben Rodgers

Sun Sailor, Eden Prairie, Minnesota: Protesters call on Rep. Paulsen for more accessibility

Several dozen demonstrators held signs and chanted outside Third District Rep. Erik Paulsen’s office in Eden Prairie for two hours Feb. 4. The protest was organized by Indivisible CD3… “He is the lever that we have to exert any influence in Washington, so he needs to hear our voices,” said Jena Martin, co-chair of Indivisible CD3. “That’s the primary goal of our group, to reach him to represent us.”

Also discussed in Petitioners ask Paulsen to hold town meetings by Karla Wennerstrom in the Eden Prairie News

Lansing State Journal, Michigan: Bishop again pressured to show up

Hundreds of people clogged the East Lansing Public Library on Thursday to speak to U.S. Rep. Mike Bishop’s staff and pressure the Republican congressman to appear in-person in his district to address constituents. Thursday marked the second time this week that demonstrators have publicly demanded Bishop’s appearance. By Justin A. Hinkley

San Jose Inside: Silicon Valley’s Trump Resistance Chapter, Orchard City Indivisible, Grows in Strength, Membership

“Getting people information about what they can do is what inspired us,” says Michael Clark, an Orchard City Indivisible co-founder. “When this started our first meeting had 12 people, our next had about 30, then 75 and today we had around 120,” Victorino says.

Mansfield, Ohio: Local women organize to resist ‘Trump agenda’

Three local women are working to turn progressive passions and anti-Trump anger into action through political organizing. Retired teacher Laura Rushton and occupational therapist Amy Burns recently launched a local chapter of Indivisible. By Courtney McNaull

Durango Telegraph, Colorado: Rule Breakers

The latest effort was a balloon rally held Tuesday outside Gardner’s Durango office. Promoted by Indivisible Durango, a local advocacy group, the rally was meant to show Gardner and others how the methane hovers over the region like a cloud of invisible balloons. By Tracy Chamberlain

Also: Indivisible Durango to meet Saturday at library, The Durango Herald

Central Jersey: Grassroots groups rising in opposition to Trump and the GOP

You know a Progressive grassroots movement is spreading like wildfire when it reaches Republican strongholds like Tewksbury, Branchburg and the Somerset Hills where meetings of Democrats can usually be held in a telephone booth with room left over for a polo pony. But earlier this month, on a cold foggy night, more than 30 Tewksbury residents gathered to find ways how they could become more involved in politics. By Mike Deak

Also Hunterdon residents seek to hold politicians accountable, by Craig Turpin, on

KNDO/KNDU Tri-Cities, Yakima, Washington: Local Indivisible Movement demands Rep. Newhouse’s attention

“What we think as indivisible is that our elected representatives, our local elected representatives are those who can best support our point of view and best express our point of view at the federal level,” said Martin McBriarty, volunteer with the local Indivisible Movement. Reaching out to members of congress to ensure each viewpoint is acknowledged is one of the key strategies laid out in the indivisible guide. McBriarty told NBC Right Now that everyone met at Representative Newhouse’s office today to request that he hold a town hall meeting.

Standard Examiner, Ogden, Utah: Valentine’s sign-bearers seek town hall with Rob Bishop in small Ogden rally

Jerry Manaster of Eden didn’t waste any time with pink hearts or poetry. His sign simply read: “Democracy needs town halls.”. “I’ve traditionally supported Republican causes, including free-market solutions, strong defense and secure borders. But I don’t think President Trump is advancing these agendas, and apart from that I think he’s really doing a disservice to our governance in general,” Manaster said. “It’s very gratifying how many folks have a common goal to oppose the President’s agenda … it’s not partisan, it’s just American.” By Cathy McKitrick

Tribune Star, Terre Haute, Indiana: Bucshon, ‘Indivisible’ disagree on town hall

Betsy Anderson said she hasn’t always been politically active, but now she finds it necessary. “I’m driven by extraordinary circumstances that are unfolding today,” said the Terre Haute resident… Anderson and others have asked for a town hall meeting with Republican 8th District Congressman Larry Bucshon, R-Newburgh. By: Sue Loughlin

Las Cruces Sun-News, Mew Mexico: Pearce telephone town hall meeting draws protests

More than 30 people gathered Thursday outside the Las Cruces office of U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce with concerns about how he conducted a telephone town hall meeting on Wednesday…. “The T or C Indivisible is reaching out and are united to hold this man accountable,” said Diana Tittle, of Truth or Consequences, referring to Pearce. By Steve Ramirez

MLive, Michigan: Group makes giant ‘Resist Trump’ valentine for Justin Amash

What do a 8-foot-high valentine, two women in dinosaur costumes and colorful signs have in common? Today’s anti-Trump protest in downtown Grand Rapids. Like any good valentine, the card included a poem:

Republicans are Red

Democrats are Blue

Resist the Trump agenda

We’re counting on you!

Daytona Beach News-Journal, Florida: While protesters rally, DeSantis takes questions on ‘town hall’ call

During the two-hour rally Thursday, members of Indivisible Volusia chanted “Investigate Trumpgate!” and “Do your job!” — the latter aimed at DeSantis urging him to work harder on the Russia controversy. Dana Humphrey, one of the organizers of Thursday’s protest, said she’s unhappy with DeSantis’ insistence that Congressional oversight be handled by a committee that he doesn’t sit on.

The Weston Forum, Connecticut: Anti-Trump group forms in Weston

More than 120 people filled the Community Room at the Weston Public Library on Monday for a meeting of ICT4. The group is new and has had only a few organizational meetings, but it has seen its numbers growing. By Patricia Gay

The Loudoun Tribune, Virginia: Community Organizers Put the “Love” in Lovettsville

“This wasn’t about hate, it was about what we love. And Lovettsville, of course, begins with ‘love’, so that’s what we’re here for,” said Taylorstown resident Tami Carlow, who helped organize the event. Carlow, an entomologist, said she was particularly disturbed by president Donald Trump and his administration’s treatment towards science. The “Squirkle of Love” rally was the latest in a series of events organized in part by Indivisible Lovettsville 20180.

Loudon Times, Virginia: Constituents call on Rep. Comstock to hold town hall in person

Kristen Swanson, a member of Indivisible Lovettsville, told the Times-Mirror they intend to continue to press the congresswoman for a personal town hall meeting,. “We continue to follow what’s going on in Congress every day. We have daily action alerts that give citizen’s concrete actions they can take,” Swanson said. “We are going to continue to call, write, and show up at her office to make sure she hears our concerns, and to hold her accountable for her votes. We will not back down on insisting on an in-person town hall event.” By Chantalle Edmunds

Davis Press-Enterprise: Hundreds urge Garamendi to action at town-hall meeting

All 325 seats in the Veterans Memorial Theater were full well before the scheduled start time of Rep. John Garamendi’s town-hall meeting Sunday. Considering Sunday’s town-hall meeting was scheduled just two days in advance and some 500 people showed up armed with signs and questions — thanks in large part to Indivisible YOLO — clearly, close attention is being paid even in this largely Democratic district. By Anne Ternus-Bellamy

Also: Indivisible YOLO draws huge crowd for first public meeting

The Daily Evergreen, Palouse, Washington: Indivisible Palouse encourages more acceptance of diversity

Whitman County residents have the chance to learn and discuss ways they can protect and promote tolerance of diversity Tuesday at the Gladish Community and Cultural Center. Indivisible Palouse is an organization focused on helping members of the community contact their representatives regarding unjust and divisive policies.

Austin American-Statesman, Texas: Central Texas Republicans sidestep calls for town hall meetings

Frustrated by U.S. Rep. John Carter’s failure to schedule a town hall meeting with his constituents during next week’s President’s Day “district work period,” Felicia Miyakawa of Round Rock took matters into her own hands, scheduling a town hall meeting for Carter for next Wednesday, whether he shows up or not…. “I’m a mom who has suddenly become a community organizer,” Miyakawa said. “I had no experience doing this before, but I am doing this. I am the founder of Wilco Indivisible — and I’m not getting paid.”

Your West Valley, Arizona: Protesters decry President’s policies at PORA HQ

A crowd, described in varying accounts as consisting of 150 to 200 residents from Surprise, Sun City Grand and Sun City West, arrived around 1:30 p.m. to speak with staff from the office of Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)… Juliet Gustavson, who claimed affiliation with Indivisible Surprise, a local chapter of Indivisible Arizona, read from a prepared statement, which she also submitted to the senator’s staff.

Asbury Park Press, New Jersey: Protesters visit congressman’s office

After MacArthur opted for the call-in town hall Monday, New Jersey Citizens Action and South Jersey NOW-Alice Paul Chapter (Indivisible) organized a town hall event that will be held Wednesday in Evesham to air concerns on issues ranging from Russian connections to the Trump administration and health care to the environment and climate change. By Carol Comegno

Press Republican, Glenn Falls, New York: Demonstrators demand meeting with Stefanik

About 80 people demonstrated outside the Glens Falls district office of U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik to demand she meet with constituents in a town-hall forum.

“What do we want?” Joe Seeman called through a bullhorn.

“Town hall!” the group shouted.

“When do we want it?” Seeman asked.

“Next week!” the group answered.

Also discussed in Residents: Stefanik not answering concerns about Trump by Paul Post in The Saratogian

Northwest Arkansas Post and Gazette: NWA editorial: Thursday thumbs

We’ll jump at the chance to finally give kudos to Arkansas’ junior senator, Tom Cotton, for his apology to a Fayetteville activist who was blocked from meeting with one of Cotton’s staffers recently. Cotton called Caitlyn Moses of the group Ozark Indivisible directly, apologized and offered to meet soon. And now, Cotton has announced a town hall meeting at Springdale’s Jones Center at 5 p.m. Wednesday.

Columbus Underground: District 12 ACA Town Hall: with or without Tiberi!

We’ve called, we’ve written, we’ve begged, and Rep. Tiberi still refuses to schedule a town hall to tell us what his plan is to replace the Affordable Care Act. So Indivisible: Ohio District 12 has has decided to set one up for him.




Published in #resist!

First they came for the Muslims, and we said “not this time, motherf — -ers”

Jon Pincus
Jon Pincus

Written by Jon Pincus

strategist, software engineer, entrepreneur, activist ...

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