Indivisible, making some noise! Press roundup, February 22-24

Jon Pincus
Published in
20 min readFeb 24, 2017

Indivisible’s really cranking up, as groups hold town halls with or without representatives, and even more coverage than in the previous roundup, National highlights include Talking Points Memo’s Recess Ruckus Roundup of a dozen town halls, Katie Couric on Yahoo News, and ‘Indivisible’ co-founders fight back against criticism of town hall protests in CNN.

And I’m delighted to say that this roundup starts in my own back yard, as Washington Republican Rep. Dave Reichert (CD-8) catches lots of heat about dodging his constituents!

The Seattle Times: Hundreds protest at U.S. Rep. Reichert’s office, demand town-hall meeting

Marching from an intersection near a suburban shopping center, protesters taunted the Auburn Republican and former King County sheriff for his steadfast refusal to hold a town hall during this week’s congressional recess — or any time. Some carried signs saying “What are you afraid of?” or “Impeach Trump” and imploring the GOP save the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. Issaquah police Chief Scott Behrbaum estimated the crowd size at more than 500. By Jim Brunner


And keeping with a Pacific Northwest theme, here’s some outstanding coverage from Jackson and Josephine counties in southern Oregon, including a front-page story in the Mail-Tribune.

Mail Tribune, Medford, Oregon: A simple message -

A new group calling itself Rogue Valley Resistance deployed banners on five Interstate 5 overpasses this morning, each with a simple message: “Resist Racism.” “Resist Deportations.” “Resist Islamophobia.” “Resist Pipelines.” “Resist Fascism.” “We’re in a rural area, and it is definitely easy to ignore our most marginalized populations, because they are very small here in Southern Oregon, being a very white area,” said Evan Gaudry, a 17-year-old Ashland High School student and a leader of Rogue Valley Resistance. “As a white ally, it’s my duty to be out here today with this message.”

Daily Tidings, Ashland, Oregon: Activists offer a ‘resist’ list

“We’re doing this because we wanted to share that we care about people who are being discriminated against and we want them to know they’re not alone,” said Erica Franks of Rogue Valley Resistance. “They can find support.” She was joined by 25-year-old Lindsey Bosman, a Southern Oregon University student. “It’s my duty to stand in solidarity with people in jeopardy of losing their rights,” Bosman said. “The best reaction is action…. When you’re younger you’re shielded and as you go along and get educated you realize how you can be judged,” she said. “You’ve got to get educated. Know your rights.” By Julia Adkins

Also: photos by Rogue River Resistance, on Facebook

KTVL, Medford Oregon: Indivisble urges Walden to host town hall meeting

Chants of Where is Walden? echoed outside of the Old County Courthouse as Indivisible stood there protesting. Indivisible protested in front of the Old County Courthouse today and later marched to Rep. Greg Walden’s Medford office to hand deliver letters to urge him to set up an in person town hall. By Alexander Masadieu

Grants Pass Daily Courier, Oregon: Indivisible rally packs the house in Grants Pass

Organizers of a group calling itself Rogue Indivisible were pleasantly surprised Sunday when the group’s first rally drew more than 300 people united in their opposition to President Donald Trump. “It’s kind of a coming-out party for progressives in Josephine County,” organizer David Smith said afterward. By Chris Bristol

And now on to the rest of the country …

Yucca Valley Press Enterprise, California: Why Rep. Paul Cook’s face is on milk cartons

Pictures of Rep. Paul Cook, R-Yucca Valley with the caption “Missing” have been attached to milk jugs in the same manner as missing children’s pictures. Photos of the jugs are being shared on social media. By Jeff Horseman

KLTV, Tyler, Texas: Indivisible of Smith County requests town hall with Gohmert

After a morning protest in Tyler on Tuesday, a new grass roots organization continues to request a town hall meeting with Congressman Louie Gohmert. “There are a number of people who are very troubled by the divisiveness and the rhetoric that we’re hearing right now,” Indivisible of Smith County organizer Lee Hancock said. She says this local chapter is an organization comprised of many different ideologies, with members coming together from across the political spectrum. By Doug Murray

Also: Indivisible protesters gather outside Louie Gohmert event after congressman says no public town hall meetings planned, and Gohmert refuses calls for town hall meetings, Tyler Morning Telegraph; East Texans search for local Rep. Louie Gohmert, KTVX

Hays Daily News, Kansas: Topeka, national group fighting Trump’s agenda

Members of Topeka Indivisible, an offshoot of a national group that has put out an “Indivisible Guide” to help people resist Trump’s agenda, have put out the flyers made like traditional “Missing” posters…. Topekan Kristen Duncan is a member of the local group, and she said the efforts of Indivisible groups statewide and other activist groups are working, as evidenced when Roberts stopped Wednesday in Wichita to speak with protesters.

“Pat Roberts actually spoke to the protesters there and posted pictures on his personal Facebook page showing, here I am,” she said. “You can see in the background of those pictures, that a lot of people had missing signs there as well. I think that campaign was very effective.”

The Escondido Grapevine, California: Issa pulls an Indivisible surprise party (Updated with evening town hall)

Several hundred people turned out at an emergency health care town hall designed to meet with Rep. Darrell Issa (R-49th District) while he was in the district for congressional recess. However, despite staging a surprise morning appearance to meet with Indivisible protestors with his own supporters in tow, Issa was nowhere to be found on an even playing field.) By dweisman

WLS, Barrington, Illinois: Group calls for town halls with congress members

Protesters gathered at the doors of congressional offices on Thursday to rally for change in Illinois. They said they want to hold lawmakers accountable for their actions. Outside the village hall in Peter Roskam’s sixth congressional district, one of 16 protests took place on Thursday, organized by a group calling themselves Indivisible Chicago.

Chicago Tribune: Hundreds of protesters urge Bobby Rush, other Illinois Democrats to fight harder against Trump

Hundreds of protesters from a progressive group taking cues from a Tea Party playbook gathered at congressional offices across Illinois Thursday encouraging elected officials to push harder against President Donald Trump and Republicans . “The Trump agenda and the GOP agenda is so appalling. We feel the majority of American believe that it is time for us to wake up and fight back,” said Jeff Radue, a Beverly resident and local organizer for Indivisible. By Nick Swedberg

WAVY, Virginia Beach, Virginia: Group questioning Trump gains popularity; Trump supporters plan march

Long lines have greeted Congressman Scott Taylor at three town hall meetings this week, and at least one so-called “progressive” group has turned out in force to talk about the issues peculating in Washington. Indivisible 757 is the local chapter of the national Indivisible movement…. Robin Kessler and Ron Roe, who live in Virginia Beach, are two of the people leading the Facebook page that has a following of more than 1,200. “We are looking for people who support our values,” said Roe. “This is a support group. This is a place where people who are very concerned, fearful, hoping things will be different, can come together and support each other.”

KRCB, California: Indivisible in Sonoma County

A key to the growth of participation in local Indivisible groups — now estimated at more than 1500 people county-wide — is how it is structured to allow a gradual entry, observes Rebecca Hachmeyer from the Petaluma group. In addition to Indivisible Sonoma County, local groups have also sprung up in Petaluma, Sonoma, Healdsburg and Sebastopol. Quite a few of the local Indivisible folks are new to political activism, inspired by the outcome of the last election. By Bruce Robinson

KTVL, Medford Oregon: Indivisble urges Walden to host town hall meeting

Chants of Where is Walden? echoed outside of the Old County Courthouse as Indivisible stood there protesting. Indivisible protested in front of the Old County Courthouse today and later marched to Rep. Greg Walden’s Medford office to hand deliver letters to urg him to set up an in person town hall. By Alexander Masadieu

Grants Pass Daily Courier, Oregon: Indivisible rally packs the house in Grants Pass

Organizers of a group calling itself Rogue Indivisible were pleasantly surprised Sunday when the group’s first rally drew more than 300 people united in their opposition to President Donald Trump. “It’s kind of a coming-out party for progressives in Josephine County,” organizer David Smith said afterward. By Chris Bristol

Caberrus County Independent Tribune, North Carolina: Protestors want Hudson to hear their concerns on Affordable Care Act

Concerned citizens wearing hearts and carrying signs that said “Have a heart. Stand up for the poor and elderly. Support ACA” and “Patients over Politics” gathered outside Rep. Richard Hudson’s office recently in hopes that the congressman would hear their opinion on the Affordable Care Act. The protest, which drew out about 30 people and was held on Valentine’s Day, was organized by Indivisible Concord, a non-partisan group that fights for Civil Rights for all people. Doshia James, one of the leaders of the Cabarrus chapter of Indivisible, said the goal was to let Hudson know constituents strongly oppose any repeal of the Affordable Care Act. By Erin Kidd

Miami New Times, Florida: Sen. Marco Rubio Won’t Attend Citizens’ Town-Hall Meeting in Miami Tonight

Rubio is conveniently on a diplomatic trip to “somewhere in Europe.” And though Rubio will be back in town tonight, he still plans to skip a town hall for which hundreds of his constituents plan to show up at the Universalist Unitarian Church in Southwest Miami-Dade. The meeting was planned by Miami’s chapter of the national Indivisible Movement, one of the largest anti-Trump groups to form after last year’s election. By Jerry Iannelli

NJ Pen, New Jersey: Cooper River ‘Indivisible’ Chapter Kicks off with Overflow Crowd in Collingswood

For as much as it owes to the power of digitally driven communication, political organizing in 2017 is, in many ways, still an analog game. It’s sticker nametags filled out with Sharpies and manila file folders stuffed with high-volume black-and-white copies. It starts in public spaces, and sometimes in their parking lots, as it did on President’s Day in Collingswood, where an overflow crowd gathered at the Collingswood Public Library for the kick-off of Cooper River Indivisible. By Matt Skoufalos

The Charlotte Observer, North Carolina: They couldn’t confront Tillis at a town hall meeting, so they held one and mocked him

An empty metal chair stood in for the junior senator from North Carolina Tuesday night. The absence of Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C., didn’t stop Democratic-leaning groups from organizing a town hall meeting in Charlotte Tuesday night, with attendees posing questions and providing their own answers using some of the senator’s past statements or reported comments as they stood in front of the empty chair. The gathering of about 300 people inside the city’s Free Range Brewery on North Davidson Street was the latest in a national drive by President Donald Trump’s opponents to protest his agenda. By William Douglas

Northfield News, Minnesota: Cannon Valley Indivisible hosts town hall for Jason Lewis without him

Constituents in Northfield filled a town hall on Monday night seeking clarification on the positions of Rep. Jason Lewis, whose absence, not presence, defined the evening. Hundreds poured into St. John’s Church in Northfield to voice their concerns and ask questions of their newly elected representative to Congressional District 2. By Gunnar Olson

Decatur Daily, Alabama: Brooks meets with Decatur Indivisible leaders

Decatur Indivisible representatives voiced their concerns Wednesday about Russian interference in the U.S. election, the Affordable Care Act and immigration in a meeting with U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks. About 50 people protested in front of Morgan County Courthouse while eight Indivisible members met there behind closed doors with the Republican representative from Huntsville.

Also: Rep. Brooks meets with local protesters, WAFF; Inside Indivisible: Local chapter wishes Rep. Mo Brooks would hold a town hall, WHNT

Daytona Beach News-Journal, Florida: DeSantis meets privately with Indivisible group in Palm Coast

After a couple of robustly attended protests outside one of his offices during the past few weeks, a local congressman met with a select group of people from outside the conservative bubble. For 40 minutes Tuesday, which was twice as long as what was originally scheduled, Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Palm Coast, discussed the possibility of investigating President Donald Trump’s alleged ties to Russia with five local activists. By Tony Holt

Loudon Times, Virginia: Despite objectors, Rep. Comstock hosts second tele-town hall

U.S. Rep Barbara Comstock (R-Va.-10th) on Tuesday held her second tele-town hall of February, continuing on the same path as many of her fellow house mates who are batting off calls for an in-person town hall. Despite Comstock’s phone gatherings, citizens from the local Indivisible VA District 10 group plan to host a more traditional town hall in Sterling Friday night — one the congresswoman said she isn’t attending. By Chantelle Edmunds

Idaho Statesman: Without town hall meetings, voters resort to posters, protests to get lawmakers’ attention

Idaho groups upset that Idaho’s congressional delegation is not scheduling public sessions to meet with constituents during the current break are getting creative, including using “missing” posters with lawmakers’ faces and unflattering descriptions. “MISSING: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN? Mike Crapo, alleged U.S. Senator, Idaho,” reads a poster circulating on social media sites and Downtown Boise telephone poles. Another missing poster pictures Sen. Jim Risch with a red elf hat and calls him an “angry gnome,” mocking his height and his wealth. By Cynthia Sewell and Bill Dentzer

Also: No Townhall Meetings For Idaho’s Congressional Delegation, Boise State Public Radio

Lexington Minuteman, Massachusetts: Lexington residents endorse “Indivisible Guide” for political action — News

In Lexington, a local advocacy group called Minuteman Indivisible is training people on how to be more politically effective. Using the “Indivisible Guide” as their textbook a group of nearly 80 Lexingtonians met last week to talk about how they can help pull the country in a more liberal direction. By Al Gentile Indivisible town hall attendees take on the absent Rob Portman at Cleveland church (video)

The Democratic activists and concerned Clevelanders who gathered here Thursday night at the St. James AME Church knew Sen. Rob Portman wouldn’t show. Portman wasn’t there in person, but his likeness was everywhere. There was the huge cardboard cutout of his head at the front of the church. A sign with his face plastered next to a chicken. “Missing” posters and milk cartons. Boos erupted at the first mention of his name. By Henry J. Gomez

Also: Jim Jordan engages his protesters while other Republicans duck

KRWG, New Mexico: Mock Pearce Town Hall Planned For Las Cruces Friday

Commentary: Las Cruces, NM — The failure of U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce (R-NM) to communicate face to face with his constituents even once during Congress’s Recess Week of Feb. 18–25 has inspired a group of Truth or Consequences citizens to stage a Fake Town Hall. The event, complete with stand-in wearing a Pearce face mask, will take place outside Pearce’s Telshor Boulevard offices on Friday, February 24.

Also: Pearce office responds to protests, criticisms, The Las Cruces Bulletin

Courier-Post, New Jersey: MacArthur critics hold own town hall

A South Jersey public interest group held a Citizens Town Hall on Wednesday night in Marlton with the help of a state action group even though invited district Congressman Thomas MacArthur was not there. Meanwhile, Rep. MacArthur, R-Burlington, scheduled a last-minute tele-town hall for 7 p.m. at a Toms River radio station at exactly the same time the town hall in Marlton started to the chagrin of many of those who came. By Carol Comegno

Riverfront Times, Missouri: Anti-Trump Activists Aim to Put Ann Wagner in the Hot Seat With Demonstration in Des Peres

Indivisible St. Louis, the grassroots political action group behind the pro-immigration protest at Senator Roy Blunt’s Clayton office on February 1, has a new demonstration on the calendar — this one aimed at Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-St. Louis). Residents of Missouri’s second congressional district plan to gather on sidewalk outside at the Edward Jones headquarters in Des Peres on February 23 at noon to call for Wagner to hold a public town hall meeting. By Elizabeth Semko

WDTN, Dayton, Ohio: Rally asks Rep. Mike Turner to hold town hall | WDTN

Dozens of people gathered in downtown Dayton Tuesday morning to demand Rep. Mike Turner hold a town hall. Dayton Indivisible For All organized the rally. The organization said it has been working to convince Rep. Turner to meet with local constituents in Dayton. People are holding signs saying “Mike is missing” and “Mike! Where are you?”

Omaha World-Hearld, Nebraska: Protesters shouting ‘do your job’ and ‘meet with us’ disrupt Deb Fischer’s talk in Lincoln

Between 200 and 300 protesters disrupted the final moments of a speaking engagement of U.S. Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., on Tuesday. A group called “Indivisible Lincoln” had called for a protest to object to her unwillingness to schedule a town hall meeting with the general public while making time for a special interest group like the business association. By Paul Hammel

KTRE, Lufkin and Nacogdoches Texas: Indivisible Nacogdoches planning rally to protest possible repeal of Affordable Care Act

Sharpies and poster board are brought out to send a message on Saturday that there are East Texans among the 20 million Americans relying on Affordable Care Act health insurance. “We may not be affected by some of this stuff personally, but there’s going to be huge, huge groups of people that are going to be affected by this and we need to be out there taking care of them and protesting and rallying for these people,” said Denise Garrigan, who will be participating in the rally.

Los Angeles Times: Rep. Duncan Hunter’s office says he will no longer meet with protest groups

Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine) will no longer meet with constituent activist groups that have peppered his offices in recent weeks, according to a letter Deputy Chief of Staff Mike Harrison sent to a local Indivisible group. Indivisible San Diego spokeswoman Tahra Ludwig of Alpine said the group has met with Harrison for the last few weeks. She said the meetings have involved six people at a time entering the congressman’s district office to discuss their various concerns. The larger group of up to 150 people have waited outside the building with signs, she said. By Sarah D. Wire

Also: Candlelight vigil outside home protesters believe belongs to Rep. Steve Knight

C-VILLE Weekly, Virginia:, Congressman’s tweets, office location annoy some

New congressman Tom Garrett has had hundreds of protesters at his Berkmar Crossing office, to the consternation of his neighbors. The latest congressional office is not the only occasion the right to assemble and petition one’s government has clashed with property rights locally. After Democrat Tom Perriello took office in 2009, he rented space downtown in the rear of the Glass Building, which was the scene of frequent Tea Party protests, until the building’s owner booted them to the public sidewalk after an Americans for Prosperity bus took up eight spaces, for which other tenants paid $100 each and complained they couldn’t use.

Also: Citizen summons for Representative Tom Garrett, Newsplex

TCPalm, Florida: Brian Mast has first town hall as GOP faces angry crowds

U.S. Rep. Brian Mast will have his first in-person town hall meeting Friday just as his fellow Republican lawmakers face angry crowds in similar events nationwide demanding they stand up to President Donald Trump. Mast, of Palm City, and fellow Treasure Coast GOP U.S. Rep. Bill Posey, of Rockledge, have received pressure from local activists and constituents looking to meet with them. Members of its Martin County affiliate, Indivisible Martin, said they have been trying for weeks to schedule a meeting with Mast. Indivisible Indian River founder Kelly Bess said Posey’s office hasn’t responded to her requests for a one-on-one. The offices of both congressmen said they have a lot of such requests, it takes time to get to all of them and they aren’t ignoring these groups.

KSAT, San Antonio: Activists rally, demand town hall meeting with Hurd

About 30 people rallied Tuesday outside the San Antonio office of U.S. Rep. Will Hurd demanding a town hall meeting. Members of Texas 23 Indivisible, Move San Antonio, Service Employees International Union, Mi Familia Vota and Texas Organizing Project, and constituents of the 23rd Congressional District hoped to meet with Hurd, who is on recess this week along with other members of Congress. By David Ibanez

The Collegian, Manhattan, Kansas: Indivisible Manhattan holds rally for nutrition programs in protest of Senate hearing

While the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry held the first of its Hearings from the Heartland series in McCain Auditorium Thursday afternoon, local activists held a rally outside to advocate for federal nutritional programs.

About a dozen members of Indivisible Manhattan, the local branch of a national organization that advocates for opposition to President Donald Trump, held the rally in protest of the hearing on the upcoming 2018 Farm Bill. Indivisble Manhattan co-coordinator Christopher Renner said it could potentially eliminate nutritional programs for the elderly or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. By Rafael Garcia

Tri-City Herald, Washington: Activists plan town hall meeting without Newhouse

A town hall-style meeting is planned Saturday to focus on concerns of constituents of Washington’s 4th Congressional District. Organizers say they have invited U.S. Rep. Dan Newhouse, R-Sunnyside, to field questions, but he is not expected to attend. The organizers are CougVotes, the Associated Students of WSU Tri-Cities, and a national group called Indivisible, which has organized anti-Trump protests in congressional districts around the country.

Talking Points Memo: Town Hall Attendees Tell Cotton: This Is A Grassroots Effort

Two attendees at a town hall meeting for Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) said the day after that the large crowd in attendance Wednesday night was the result of a grassroots effort, and that Cotton seemed unprepared for the depth of anger at the Trump administration and Senate Republicans. “I didn’t think he was properly prepared and did not know what to expect from this event. We did the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning, and when we got to the ‘indivisible with liberty and justice for all,’ it erupted from there and set the tone for the whole evening,” town hall attendee Mary Storey told MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson Thursday morning. Matt Shuham

The Ledger, Lakeland, Florida: US Rep. Dennis Ross faces rowdy town hall meeting; Lakelanders there to protest support of Trump

The Lakeland Republican was called a liar as protesters shouted him down and held signs that read “Boo” and “Disagree.” Sally Campbell, 65, of Polk City, said she left the town hall wanting to be even more involved in removing Trump supporters from the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate. Campbell rode a chartered a bus to Clermont with about 40 members of Lakeland Indivisible, a recently formed group loosely affiliated with some 4,500 other grassroots units around the country. By Gary White and John Chambliss

Great Neck Record, New York: Indivisible Advocacy Chapter Launches

Troubled by the new administration, four friends joined forces to redirect their frustration and launched a North Shore chapter of Indivisible, holding its first meeting on Thursday, Feb. 16, at Temple Beth-El in Great Neck. “Indivisible is a way to channel your shock and organize to resist what’s happening,” said the creators of the North Shore chapter. By Sheri ArbitalJacoby

Saint Lous Post-Dispatch, Missouri: Protesters press Sen. Blunt for town hall meetings on Obamacare, Trump policies

About 100 protesters lined an intersection outside U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt’s office in Clayton Tuesday, holding signs that asked “Where’s Roy?” and demanding the Missouri Republican conduct town hall-style meetings with the public. “Our impression is that, if things go the way they’re going, there’s simply is not going to be a town hall meeting with Senator Blunt. Our objective is to change that if we can,” said organizer Scott Wilson, as passing cars on Bonhomme Avenue honked their support. By Kevin

Walla Walla Union Bulletin, Washington: Locals demand open forum with McMorris Rodgers

It’s being billed as a “faux town hall” and it’s part of coming together for change. Multiple local political action groups are participating in the planning. Sarah Koenigsberg, a Walla Walla-based documentary filmmaker, recently launched a local chapter of Indivisible, a national grass roots political action organization. The town hall is open to all and will go forward with or without McMorris Rodgers, who was sent invitations via social media last week and a hand-delivered invitation to her Walla Walla office on Wednesday, according to Koenigsberg. By Greg Lehman

KTVF, Fairbanks, Alaska: Participants and Protestors at Dan Sullivan Event

The ‘Fairbanks Republican Women’ held a Lincoln Day dinner Monday evening, welcoming U-S Senator Dan Sullivan as a guest speaker. Protesters assembled outside of the hotel with a message for Senator Sullivan. Protester with Indivisible Alaska, John Davies wants to convince Sullivan that the Trump administration and its alleged connection to Russia may be detrimental to the U-S.

Star-Tribune, Minnesota: Plymouth meeting without U.S. Rep. Erik Paulsen draws hundreds

Frustrated by a lack of town hall meetings on U.S. Rep. Erik Paulsen’s calendar, some of his constituents set up a gathering of their own in Plymouth on Thursday evening, drawing hundreds of people who shared concerns about Paulsen’s recent votes. The GOP congressman, who represents Minnesota’s Third District, did not attend. That didn’t seem to damper the enthusiasm of the approximately 600 people who packed into Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, while a few hundred more waited outside.

Standard-Examiner: Utah “Town Hall for All” set for Friday; live stream available in Farr West

According to the event’s Facebook page, the Utah Town Hall for All — sponsored by Utahns Speak Out and Indivisible Utah — is designed to give the state’s Congressional delegation the opportunity to “reconnect” with constituents at home before their Feb. 18–26 recess draws to a close. By Cathy McKitrick

KTUL, Tulsa, Oklahoma: ndivisible Tulsa holds town hall meeting

Do your job! Do your job!The chants were loud and clear, but the people they were directed at were far, far away.”You may have noticed the Darth Vader and stormtrooper in the room,” said Allison Rathan of Indivisible Tulsa. By Burt Mummolo

Sentinel-Tribune, Bolwing Green, Ohio: Dozens protest outside Latta’s BG office in 2 shifts

A staff member for U.S. Rep. Bob Latta, R-Bowling Green, held a scheduled meeting with an Indivisible group, Indivisible Maumee River Progressives, while members protested outside the representative’s district office Thursday in lieu of a sought-after town hall meeting with Latta himself. By Roger LaPointe




Published in #resist!

First they came for the Muslims, and we said “not this time, motherf — -ers”

Jon Pincus
Jon Pincus

Written by Jon Pincus

strategist, software engineer, entrepreneur, activist ...

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