Why Your Podcast Guest Pitch Was Ignored

David Hooper
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2022

If you run a somewhat popular podcast, you’re probably getting pitched by publicists and others who want you to interview their clients. Below, I have two examples of email pitches that, aside from posting here, I completely ignored.

I’ve booked podcast guests myself, not just me, but also others. And I’ve been on the receiving end of emails like these since 2005.

I know how hard it is to book people as guests on podcasts. And I get that it’s very easy to come up with a somewhat generic template and blast mail merge to dozens, or even hundreds, of people. Some podcasters are just thankful somebody is paying attention to them and, because of this, will book anybody who pitches them.

But the podcasts you really want to be on are different. For those podcasts, it’s going to take a little more work.

An email like this will be ignored.

Hi David

It’s my pleasure to connect with you. :-) I’m [NAME REMOVED], [NAME REMOVED]’s executive assistant.

Look, I know you are a busy person and you probably get a lot of guest requests because your podcast is simply exceptional!

It got me curious… are you looking for an additional guest to be added to your lineup? Let me cut to the chase.

I wanted to introduce [NAME REMOVED], he scaled a business to millions of dollar in revenue & recently had an exit strategy @ 28 years old, he runs a Top 500 Business Podcast [NAME REMOVED] (100K Listeners) and the founder and CEO of [NAME REMOVED]!

I think he would be a great fit for your lineup, and could share his knowledge and expertise on the following:

Scaling and managing million dollar ads budget
Implementing Systems, Operations & Process to simplify & scale your business
Optimize at a micro level
VR & how to use integrate it in your business structure
Increase LTV & lower the cost of customer acquisition
Network with the 1%
& more…

Moreover, you can see additional information on [NAME REMOVED] here at his LinkedIn account….

I hope that by this time, you were able to choose at least one topic you guys can discuss on your show that your audience can get value from.

Having said that, I wanted to know how your scheduling works if you feel like [NAME REMOVED] is a great fit for your show.

Look forward to your response…


If you don’t want to hear from me again, please let me know.

Same for this one.

Hello David Hooper,

My name is [NAME REMOVED], after listening to your content, I am convinced that there is someone that you must have on your podcast, his name is [NAME REMOVED].

You may not have heard of him because he hasn’t utilized social media like the Gary Vee’s and Tony Robbins’ of the world. However, his track record for helping people break into entrepreneurship, take their side hustle to full-time, go from broke to earning 6 and 7 figures is unparalleled.

In a time when people are struggling and looking for ways to understand how to increase their income and what to do next, [NAME REMOVED] has the answers.

In fact, I am one of those people that he has helped. I had an idea for a business but I didn’t fully comprehend how to reach out to people or monetize my passion. Now, I’m getting paid to do what I love to do, which is training and coaching people. Listeners who are currently struggling may be in your audience and would benefit greatly from the powerful content [NAME REMOVED] would share.

If interviewing him sounds intriguing to you, kindly take a look at his media kit and videos attached to this message.

Thank you for your time. We look forward to connecting with you soon.

Have A Powerful Day!


Why? They’re general. They don’t let the recipient know that the sender actually listened to the podcast being pitched and they don’t say anything compelling about the person being who’s supposedly a match for it.

These two things are dealbreakers.

“Revenue” isn’t interesting. “Networking” isn’t interesting. “Optimizing” isn’t interesting.

At least not without additional information … Anything can be interesting if the right person, situation, or information is attached to it.

Keep this mind when booking. What you’ve got to pitch probably will work, but it’s up to you to make it interesting. That means connecting it to whatever it is that the person you’re pitching has going.



David Hooper

Media marketing Expert, Author, and Host of Build A Big Podcast