Natasha Bahel
Hastar Fitness
Published in
5 min readSep 22, 2020

Hastar Fitness for Yoga, Cardio, Body-Weight & Meditation


In today’s world where nothing comes for free, we expect god’s greatest gift for free… ‘Health’!

Yes, we want a healthy body but with our terms and conditions. Like 6 pack abs but without exercising, Stronger Immunity but without eating healthy, and most importantly no-corona without wearing masks!

In this pandemic, I asked a doctor as to why only humans are being affected by corona and not any other species?

He gave an eye-opening reply, “They are in-tune with nature’s cycle and we enjoy breaking it!

Waking up early, going for a stroll with friends, cycling, playing outdoor sports has now become a myth, and sleeping at late hours, being in bed all day, and playing mobile games(OP Bhai..OP!!) has become a trend!

And the most important daily exercise is now seen rarely. It is just because of Fitness apps like HASTAR Fitness and others, that people are exercising at homes even in this pandemic.

What is Hastar Fitness?

Hastar fitness is the Indian Movement on a mission of making every individual of this country Physically & Mentally Healthy. “Hastar Fitness App” is our First step towards this broad goal.

This over-stressed work environment has produced koala-humans, who just wanna eat, work, and sleep all at the same place!

Well, do you disagree with the fact that we ‘only’ value the things that we “don’t get for free”?

Yes, Oh, then you would be valuing oxygen u get in early mornings and not the one you buy after getting admitted! You would be Running out in parks and not on the Treadmill after your Doctor’s warning! No… Time to rethink!

Do u ever ask this question to yourself, “Have I earned the food that I have on my plate?”

You’ll say, “Of Course, Yes”, but did u sweat out the previous meal in the morning?

No, then the deal you have for the food in your plate is fats against the food and the deal you should have is Sweat against the fats!

Even Steve Jobs said on his deathbed, “At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole life, I realize that all the recognition and wealth that I took so much pride in, have paled and become meaningless in the face of impending death!

It is High time to prioritize health over money now!

So here are some tips, to relieve you from the pressure that we just put you in!

1. Exercising Daily

Gym’s are closed Man! Do you want me to Plough the farms now? No, But we want you to know that we have a substitute for the gym!!

Fitness apps like HASTAR Fitness provide Mentored fitness plus daily motivation to stay fit!!

They provide not just workouts but also Yoga and Meditation sessions! These practices would not just keep you fit but also would improve the blood circulation thus resulting in the efficient running of your body organs and stronger immunity.

2. Eating healthy

Can’t give up on your snacks? Oh, we know. But reducing the junk food and eating healthy regularly has benefits you can’t even count on your fingers! But yeah, We all love snacks so much that it is actually our guilty pleasure!

Let’s Go for Guilt-free Snacks(Healthy and tasty recipes).

I’ll share my secret recipe with you, check it here.

Youtube could be a great platform to bring out the chef in you!!

Let’s start with tonight’s meal…What say?

3. No Smoking /Drinking

If this already hyped topic needs more explanation continue to read or else skip to the next point.

Smoking and drinking give us short term pleasures, but the long term effects of these could even lead to death.!

Oh, you already knew!

Well, death is not something that’ll happen to ‘me’, right?

But when it does, and as Keanu Reaves rightly said, “The people who love you, will miss you”.

There are many substitutes for these addictive and harmful substances (Nature’s Ride, outing with friends, and many more).

Well, if you’re reading this far means you probably didn’t know the fact that Kabir Singh and Arjun Reddy do not Smoke and Drink in real life!

Surprised yet?

4. Sleep Schedule

Nature’s cycle that we talked about in the second paragraph is something we all need to worry about!

Disturbed Sleep cycles surely disturb our day-long mood! In this over-stressed environment, sleeping at the right time and the right way could work as embellishments on our fitness schedules. The night you sleep like a baby, would bring the day that you spend like a boss!

“Your future depends on your dreams, so go to sleep.”Mesut Barazany.

Well, Netflix doesn’t seem to agree with it… does it?!

5. Mentored and inspected fitness

Either you are missing your Gym Trainer or you haven’t had one yet…we have a solution to both of the above! Fitness Apps like HASTAR Fitness and others are working continuously to provide the best fitness motivation and experience. Following a particular schedule as per your body type is of utmost importance!

The only living creature which stays young throughout its life is a snake!

The reason being the unique movement of its Spinal Cord.

The more we work on our spine, the more agile it becomes and the more active is our Central Nervous System!

6. Yoga/Meditation

Did you know, Yoga also sharpens your Intuitions, apart from keeping you physically fit, mentally creative, and emotionally stable! And yes my friend, Intuitions never lie!

The body and mind synchronization leads to greater chances of success and tranquility. Starting these practices would always help you in the long run. Stretching your body is like stretching the arrow in the bow. The more you stretch the farther the arrow goes, And the longer you live healthily!

7. Stay away from the Idiot Boxes

Mobile phones and laptop screens drain away all our energy. The harmful radiations that are emitted by these devices harm the human body in numerous ways. Also, it keeps us seated in 1 place and it does cause tunnel vision (When you can’t see the clothes in the wardrobe but mom can!) and also keeps the neck and the peripheral tissues in a stagnant position which leads to neck pain and soreness. Besides, looking down at your cell phone too much each day can also lead to severe upper back muscle spasms and a waste of time is an eminent factor in our list. And and and…I could go on with this forever!

So stay away from these Idiot boxes as much as possible.

Start by following at least 3 and go to all 7 at your own convenience.

Let’s stop doing all these, only when the doctors warn,


Give Time To Your Body Today, So You Have More Time Left Tomorrow!

All the best and looking forward to a fitter you!

Your Very Own,


Source: Photo by Hastar Fitness

Disclaimer: The mentioned Links of videos and dialogues are not ours. Credits to those video and dialogue owners. This is original content and Copying might result in copyright infringement.

