5 Reasons Why You Need Millennials in Your Office.

Charlett Stevenson
Hat Factory
Published in
3 min readSep 18, 2018

Did you know that in the US alone there are 79.8 Million, yes MILLION millennials? Sometimes we forget that the term extends beyond your typical 20 something year old. Did you also know that we are the most diverse generation in all of US history? How about the fact that Millennials will make up 75% of the entire workforce in just 7 years??

For the longest time being considered a “Millennial” was a toxic label, in some ways it still is. It brands you as a social media crazed, LAZY, self-centered, person that doesn’t know what hard work is even if it slapped you right in the face. If you just read that nodding along thinking “well duh that’s exactly who Millennials are”, I hate to burst your bubble buddy, but it’s time to start seeing us as the rock stars we are; resilient and savvy.

1. We are highly educated and WANT to keep learning.

68% of millennials are enrolled in a 4-year university. We also expect and genuinely want coaching and feedback in the workforce. Not just in a yearly review, but every month. This is lacking in the work world, 69% of millennials agree.

2. We get sh*t done.

Period. We get the job done. Give us a to-do list, a latté, a dope playlist and we are unstoppable. We are efficient, we’ve grown up multitasking and collaborating with the age of the internet. Things that take others an hour to do, we have already thought of five ways that it can get done in 5 minutes.

3. We are leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators.

Worldwide millennials have launched 2x the amount of businesses as baby boomers. Almost ¾ of millennials want to start their own business versus the nearly 1/10 that want to climb the corporate ladder.

4. Our native tongue is tech.

The first iMac was released on August 1998. The first iPhone was launched on January 9th, 2007. Just about each year following, a newer version was launched. In the last two decades tech has revolutionized life in a way that has forced us to integrate it into small daily activities, and the biggest changes are yet to come. Companies are always striving to adapt with new tech and softwares in order to keep competitive edge and Millennials have proven themselves a worthy source of tech knowledge.

5. We care about company culture.

Flexibility, honesty, transparency, FUN, social and challenging are the type of culture norms millennials strive to have. 71% of millennials want their colleagues to be their second family. Because in 2018, work isn’t just transactional. Genuine connections in the work environment feeds productivity and we embrace that.

Millennials are the future leaders of the world, we have shaped new policy at work, adapted with the changing economy and technology, and we want to continue to evolve.






Charlett Stevenson
Hat Factory

Co-Founder and CCO of Hat Factory Design Lab, we design interfaces for innovative companies.