a new game — the platformer game

hat studios
Published in
4 min readMar 27, 2019
the testing map (may subject to change)

ok so currently, we are making a platformer game. right now, keyboardcombination is the scripter and i’m the kinda eh-manager guy. keyboardcombination mostly did the work on this game. it’s good.

currently, adbenturtym04 has made some maps for us (2 maps currently) and they’re all pretty great. you should check them out. here’s what those maps look like;

electric menace
the tower of absent hope

there is also effects during in the water, such as water muffle, blur, and water color correction.

being in the water

there also is crouching n’ stuff. it is pretty neat!

crouching example

we also have a dialog system that is scripted by keyboardcombination. it’s neat. it’s still kinda a work in progress though.

dialog example

our main platformer scripts also come from this open source game. you should check that out either, it’s where the scripter (KeyboardCombination) got the idea of this game! https://www.roblox.com/games/2506819790/Platformer-movement

currently, this game doesn’t have a original OST for now, so soon we may compose music specifically for this game. i don’t know if we would compose chiptune music or just cool-music in general. i’m not a good music artist, so we’re still deciding.

overall, i hope this game doesn’t become a failure like 8,198,728,178 of my other projects! it might become one in 3 months, but i gotta stop my laziness.

so, i’ll try to make some progress on this game, but first, if this game ever finishes, i will require to have these requirements:

  • alot of robux to advertise the game so people would actually play it
  • other talented scripters, since keyboardcombination isn’t always a good scripter. (no i’m not replacing him)
  • another crap ton of robux to hire those “other talented scripters” or those “builders”, or you can be a composer to make for the game! you do need to ask to be hired and not make something instantly because if you do that that’ll count as contributing and you wont get paid, but a special tag.
  • epic builders, i might already have good builders, so i might not really need this.
  • you can contribute to the game on your own! this isn’t required though. you won’t be paid though. but thank you so much! this will get you a tag in the game.
  • if you make a map but you’re not one of the builders or scripters, that counts as contributing so you won’t get paid. but you’ll get a special tag as a thank you for your efforts.
  • if you want to be a scripter, builder, or composer for the game, please don’t immediately make something and then ask to be paid. you need to have permission first. this is because sometimes i may be low on robux, and i don’t wanna do scam man.

but don’t do all of this instantly. this game could possibly fail sometimes and all of the robux could be wasted! only do all of this until the game has potential, or as at least in beta stages. the thing i can allow you to do right now is contribute, but you won’t get paid for that and only get a special tag!

so, get ready for some platformer game that will come in a few months or years or something.



