RMCH Bootcamp for companies before Demo event

AnhNgoc Vu
3 min readMar 12, 2018

Hanoi, March 4, 2018 — HATCH! VENTURES hosted Series of Workshops as Training in Business Development for Companies under the Social Impact Incubation Program, co-managed by Crevisse Partners with Remake City: Hanoi & HCMC Program.

The goal of the Bootcamp is to prepare the companies under the portfolio before the Demo event by March 10, 2018. Topics of workshops were about doing Networking effectively to convert leads to potential business partners or funding; Pitching your products/ services to Customers.

The Workshop also provided companies’ founders with knowledge about the Accounting System of Viet Nam with key elements and rules for new established companies to avoid any frauds later in the operation.

The later part of the Bootcamp focused in Pitching for Funding. Companies were put in the shoes of investors to understand the logic and assessment criteria for a business during its pitch, so that they could adjust the pitch accordingly and prepare for potential questions for a soft Due diligence.

The portfolio made their rehearsals and received a feedback session from the Coach to complete their pitch deck for the Demo event.

The Bootcamp received consultancy and support from Mentors under HATCH! network, UNDP Viet Nam, EuroCham and Mazars.



AnhNgoc Vu

Co-founder & COO, Incubation Portfolio Manager, HATCH! VENTURES