Importance of a well-defined content strategy

Karthiga Ratnam
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2020

At its core, content marketing is about communicating a brand, call to action, and providing unique selling points to customers. While content is still key in this process, that alone is not going to bring your business that optimal ROI (Return on Investment).

Whether it's business to business (B2B) or business to consumer (B2C), the content of your marketing needs to be clear and targeted. This is where content strategy comes in.

This strategy is a must for any business investing in content marketing, and your strategy should set out the goals you plan to achieve by publishing content, and how you’re going to achieve them. However, the content strategy is more complex than ever, leaving many businesses to turn to content strategy tools, like HubSpot.

In 2020 the way we use search engines has evolved, with consumers no longer sticking to a select group of keywords per product/service; and instead, search the way they talk. Therefore, in order to reach these consumer markets, the content we create must evolve, and move past the long-tail keywords that most businesses use.

Content strategy tools like Hubspot aid in this, by directly integrating into your content creation process and allows you to focus on owning topics that drive business and not keywords. The platform uses a proven content methodology to discover, execute, optimize, and report on content that generates results.

The tool allows you to discover topics to own, by easily identifying topics to go after based on their monthly search volume, domain authority, and relevancy. This helps you move beyond keywords.

Moreover, the tool helps you identify which topics work and which topics don’t, by measuring overall topic clusters to see what content is driving leads, and prioritizing you to work on what’s working. This allows you to start a new topic cluster to expand your influence, and build up organic traffic in areas important to you.

Hubspot helps organize your content for humans while optimizing it for search engines. It does this by using both Information architecture (IA), which plays a crucial role in your SEO, and content strategy, to help you organize content in a way that is best for visitors, and optimized for search engines.

Your new content strategy should also allow search engines to read your content, and people to find the answers they are looking for. To solve this, HubSpot allows you to easily create ungated content, which allows visitors to access content without filling in forms or providing personal information.

Tools like Hubspot are perfect for marketers looking to define a content plan, get better organic results instead of going through paid channels, and most of all improve their SEO rankings.



Karthiga Ratnam

Impact-Driven Category Designer | Working group member Wicked 7