SIXER VIDEO recaps their experience with Hatch Open House

Karthiga Ratnam
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2020

The startup scene in Sri Lanka has been making waves over the last few years, and as a result, the environment is increasingly competitive, growing, and is becoming more and more complex each day. This also means that startups need to have a better understanding of the industry they are in and knowledge on how best to move forward.

For candidates, it’s relatively straight forward. Just enter the designated job code-shared by the employer, enter details.

Seeing this need, last March we launched the Hatch Open House, a well-curated mentorship program that connects mentors with startup founders to provide guidance and insights to grow their startups and navigate the industries.

This is the 3rd chapter of our mentoring program and through the entirety of its conduct, we have seen our startups getting enriched with valuable insights from industry veterans. Moreover, some of our mentor and mentee relationships have evolved into full-blown business partnerships.

The program has helped new entrepreneurs like Imthiyaaz Hassim, the Co-founder and CEO of SIXER VIDEO, boldly take their next step forward. The founder of the startup described going through the program as a maturing process for his company.

SIXER VIDEO is a startup that is currently helping companies communicate and connect with potential candidates using video recordings via a secure platform.

Imthiyaaz, who understood the problem with the current hiring mechanism, decided to disrupt the existing norm, by introducing smart hiring to Sri Lanka. This has led them to be recognized in international markets like India, Norway & Australia, for which they have won multiple competitions and awards.

According to him, through Hatch Open House he was able to connect with a range of mentors who helped him look at various aspects of his business, especially in the fields like Sales and IT. These mentors included Geethal Fernando, who gave the young startup strategies on how to secure & retain B2B clients for the long term, and Gayani Abeysinghe, who advised them on how it was crucial to focus on remotely working companies.

Other mentors like Dr. Nirmal De Silva, taught them the importance of people management, such as the role of each person during a crisis and their importance to a company. Then came Dr. Anton Ravindran, who advised the young startup on how they should aim big with the international markets, and on how they could take their product to the next level with feature upgrades and brands.

When it came to the tech side of things, the startup found a hands-on mentor in Tharindu Meepagama, who provided them insights into how important security is for a SAAS platform. With this advice, they were able to complete a vulnerability assessment test for their platform.

And finally, SIXER VIDEO got paired with Ishan De Silva, who advised them on how they should manage their software development life cycle when developing new features.

“We were a young company just getting used to walk and talk business to corporates in Sri Lanka. With the advice and strategies from the Hatch Mentorship Program, we were able to become a more mature organization in our approach and vision with a driven product” said Imthiyaaz.

This bond between us and SIXER VIDEO has also matured into a partnership, where they provide our members and startups to use their Smart Hiring platform, at an affordable price with the aim of assisting companies to conduct interviews securely during this global pandemic.



Karthiga Ratnam

Impact-Driven Category Designer | Working group member Wicked 7