HausBots in 2019

Jack Cornes
Published in
6 min readJan 9, 2020
One small step for HausBots… (at 2 stories up)

Who Are HausBots?

For those of you who are new — welcome! :)

HausBots are building a Wall Climbing Painting Robot, to help painting become Faster, Smarter, Safer.

We are building this initially for large scale painting jobs like warehousing, concrete structures and big exterior projects.

A large focus use case is Social Housing exterior painting, including brickwork waterproofing products (STORMDRY.COM)

The Year in Numbers

600+ hours of testing.

3 stories high robot reach.

40,000 sqft workshop space (steamhouse)

6 in the team (We grew to 8 over the summer with our fantastic interns, thanks guys! 😃 )

£’s. Made our first real revenue.

1 robot that really works.

1 PCT Patent.


2019 was very much the year of product progression at HausBots. With our expanded and talented team we came on leaps and bounds with both our hardware and software/ control.

We undertook the first real-life tests and trials of the Wall Painting Robot, achieving heights of 3 stories with repeatable paint coverage and, most importantly, not a single persons’ feet left the ground. No more scaffolding, no more ladders, no more danger.

This year, we progressed our PCT patent application. The defining and unique aspect of our business is our technology. HausBots have developed patent-pending technology, to fundamentally change how surfaces can be climbed and traversed using robotics. With success on a wide variety of substrates including brickwork, concrete and metal, we see a vast array of use cases from NDT (Non Destructive Testing) and inspection of concrete or metal structures, through to carrying large payloads up walls and, of course, painting. You can, therefore, imagine how thrilled we were to learn that we can progress and protect our fundamental technology to allow all sorts of substrates to be climbed.

Climbing on Brick

General Business

Turned on revenue. A combination of our first-ever robot jobs and some consulting work means that we no longer were a cash-burning operation. We’re still a little away from breaking even- and that’s a big goal for us- but it proves the enthusiasm of our early partners and adopters to get to grips with our technology.

Welcomed new investors. We raised another small follow on round in 2019 taking our total to date to £210,000.

Having shown our product progression and early traction in the form of trials, we opened our next funding round. HausBots are fundraising as we speak- watch this space for the announcement.

Presenting at UK Construction Week with On the Tools

Awards and Support

Best Innovation Award. On the Tools at UK Construction Week. We were delighted to be invited down to the UKCW by our friends at On the Tools this year. Even better to have been voted by the almost 50,000 watchers on their Instagram story.

Steamhouse. Once again the amazing guys at the supported us with use of their workshop facilities. (sorry about the paint spills :) )

Leicester Business Awards. The year 2019 started with being invited down to the Leicester Mercury Business Awards. We were finalists in the Young Entrepreneurs of the Year Awards, thanks for a great evening and congratulations to the winner.

Silicon Canal Tech Awards. Birmingham’s premier startup organisation supporting all things small business and tech in Birmingham nominated us in the final 3 for the Startup of the year award, but we lost out in the final to the amazing Nourish3d- Well done guys!

KPMG Midlands. Finally, we came runners up in the midlands edition of KPMG’s Best British Startup, with the amazing GridEdge getting 1st place.

Events and New Relationships

Any good business is built on relationships and partnerships, and here is just a few of the amazing people who helped us throughout 2019. We can’t wait to build on our relationship going forward.

Exhibiting at the UK Painting And Decorating Show (and making a big splash!)

Safeguard Europe. As the most highly respected name in all things damp, Safeguard have been a fantastic partner for us this year. We are grateful for such a forward looking company to be interested in making coating application Faster, Smarter and Safer and can’t wait to see what the future holds. Learn More Here

Bell Group. In an industry that hasn’t changed since the dawn of time, commercial painting and decorating is fortunate to have the presence of the Bell Family (congratulations George on your OBE) and the rest of the Bell Group team. Innovation is what is going to help us push forwards and help make painting Faster, Smarter and Safer, so we thank you for your receptiveness to our technology, and cannot wait to wow you even more into the future! Learn More Here

Wurth Elektronik. The most helpful and hardworking electronics manufacturer you could imagine. Thanks guys

Fluid Technologies. If Mike and the team don’t know something about spraying and fluid handling, it’s not worth knowing. Thanks for all your help this year, see you in a few weeks for some testing.

Paint Tech UK. For the industry to meet its targets and not get left behind when facing labour and productivity issues, everything has to become more efficient. As an education company for all things painting efficiency, Paint Tech UK shares our vision for making painting Faster, Smarter and Safer. And they write some good books too 😍

Painting and Decorating Show. Our first outing into the jaws of the wider industry couldn’t have gone better. We showcased our technology and cooked up some brilliant partnerships with the biggest names in paint.

Make UK. Finally, we got the chance to inspire the next generation as we held a stand at the culminating event of Birmingham Tech Week and spoke to lots of students and hobbyists about the benefits of a career in Robotics and Tech.

Make UK Show

What’s Coming in 2020

Our first commercial contracts with partners. This time next year we will be able to report how our first commercial-scale Proof of Concepts turned out and the successes and lessons learnt too.

The official launch of homeowner service. We’ve had a lot of interest from you homeowners and landlords out there wanting to benefit from Faster, Smarter and Safer exterior painting. We hear you! We are launching a small scale service Q1 this year.

Increased capabilities. The Robot is making quantum leaps weekly, even daily, so we intend to reach new heights (literally!) this year, and increase our abilities, so watch this space.


Here’s to 2020.

