Nicolle Ocasio
Haute Colonial
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2018



When our government proves to us that it cannot govern, we are at their mercy. President Trump has proved to us he cannot govern.

We are at their mercy.

Have you ever just thought about... shutting down the government? And I don't mean it in a, "Well, we can't reach an agreement, so let's close the doors and let the others rot," type of way. I mean really shutting the whole thing down. Just ending it.
“Today," you declare. "The government is no more."
Capitalism is dismantled to the cheering masses. Everyone has a right to free health care and a home. Your depression is cured, partly because your life just got way better, but mostly because you have access to your meds. The minimum wage is actually the minimum wage. You get rid of the neo-nazis, shooting them into outer space. You have the freedom to practice your culture, its traditions. You can honor your people. Your body is yours, flesh and blood, bleeding and feeling. You are not a tool. You are not a thing.
All is well in your new Queendom.
If you think about this a lot, you're either American, or you were colonized, or both. Most of us fall into the 'both' category.
So it should really come as no surprise that we once again find ourselves at their mercy. Puerto Ricans have to toil without power for another day, regardless of whether the government of the United States finally decides whether they want to help us or not. Immigrants, many of them latinxs, have to wait and hope they don't get deported, sent back to a place they weren't born or raised in, and having to start over.
Does any land belong to us?
Will they let us live in peace?
How long must we depend on the hand of the colonizer to feed us?
Once again, we are at their mercy.

And it's not just us. You cry, "But Nicolle! You’re always complaining about race!" Yes, you're right. I am. But you guys are affected by this as well. When the government shuts down, we all suffer. When those in power close their doors and continue to get paid at the end of the day when others don't, we all have to bear the brunt of that. When our government proves to us that it cannot govern, we are at their mercy. President Trump has proved to us he cannot govern. To all of us, including you - white people. This is what "Shutdown Government" is about. Wear a shirt that will spark that fire of rebellion in you. Let others know you will not stand for this government, for this failed presidency. The D, emphasized in the design with the color yellow, calls to mind a certain demon, or Donald, that's possessing a White House that needs to be exorcised. Call upon your wronged black and brown ancestors to dismantle him in his sleep. Buy this shirt to be publicly outspoken.

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