What is Haute?

Haute Colonial
Haute Colonial
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2017


Using fashion as our ammunition to challenge colonialism.

Haute Colonial was created by the inspiration that fashion should serve as a model of expression. It’s intimately tied with how we view our environment and our wish to treat our home. Fashion is a choice that many consider mundane, while others consider extravagant. But we know it is more. What we wear is a choice that many take for granted, but one that combines our mental and physical selves. Clothing shows a part of us to others, and our purchases have increasingly had a deeper impact on the world around us.

Fashion is both profound and shallow, gorgeous and atrocious. But above all, expressive. It is the second skin we wear to live our lives, yet a tool used to liberate and enslave. We all wish to liberate, both ourselves and others. We need to — it’s no longer an option. As queer latinxs from Puerto Rico, we are well acquainted with how socio-economic structures can pervasively promote colonialism. It is our hope that our brand will serve as one of many tools used to challenge colonialism in all of its aspects.

Ironically, we have chosen our name, Haute Colonial, as a satire of haute couture. Haute couture has historically been used as a way to culturally appropriate, and simultaneously erase, non-western cultures. In order to liberate, we will challenge the notions that sustain cultural hegemony, while moving towards sustainable practices to create our clothes.

To solidify our efforts, we plan to work with graphic designers, fashion designers, garment creators, printing services, bloggers, and basically everyone else that is local to the locations of large portions of our fashionistas. Initially we will start with Puerto Ricans, those on the island, descendants of those scattered by long-standing colonialism. We will also donate a percentage of our proceeds to nonprofits with similar missions. We will start with our roots, by donating to the “Fundación del Centro de Trauma”, which promotes accurate information and care related to trauma for patients in the Centro Médico of Puerto Rico. Organizations like these currently need as much help as possible as the deaths related to Hurricane María continue to rise in Puerto Rico.

And so we launch, expecting all the trials that might come our way, and ask you join us as conscientious fashionistas!



Haute Colonial
Haute Colonial

We are Haute Colonial and we are here to use fashion as our ammunition against colonialism.