[Partnership Announcement] HAVAH Enters Strategic Partnership with TOZ UNIVERSE, a community metaverse built on WEB3 technology

HAVAH official
Published in
1 min readJan 10, 2024

Greetings! This is HAVAH, the Next-Generation Interchain Platform.
We are delighted to announce a new partnership with TOZ UNIVERSE.

TOZ UNIVERSE is a WEB3 community metaverse that includes the 3D Profile Avatar (PFA) “FAM NFT” and the metaverse space “ANIPANG WORLD.” TOZ UNIVERS’s aim is to provide a service that reflects the community’s values through WEB3.

HAVAH and TOZ UNIVERSE have agreed to work together on the following projects:


  1. Using HAVAH’s interchain technology to facilitate NFT trading and support for the TOZ Universe NFTs developed by PLAY TOZ on multiple network marketplaces.
  2. Supporting TOZ UNIVERSE TOZ Starter Pack NFT’s multi-chain launchpad on HAVAHswap.
  3. Extending both companies’ communities through the exchange of HAVAH’s global WEB3 community and the TOZ community, based on WEB2’s Anipang’s powerful IP.

Team HAVAH will continue to work for a future in which digital assets can be freely utilized without network constraints.

Thank you.

