The Femmes Forward Experience

Advancing women at Havas since 2018

Havas All In
Published in
5 min readAug 14, 2023


Launched in 2018, Femmes Forward accelerates the progression of women’s careers at Havas. Designed for women at the senior manager/director level, the development experience consists of leadership assessments and insights, skills workshops, inspiration from senior leaders, group coaching, community building, and more. By the end of the program, participants have created an advancement plan to guide the next steps of their career.

To date over 368 women women have participated across 34 countries, and those who have been out of the program for a year or more have experienced a 60% promotion rate.

Recent participants from North America, France, and the UK share their Femmes Forward experience and the ways it impacted them both personally and professionally:

What did you hope to gain from the program?

NATALIE (Miami)> I wanted to “feel my power.” At times, like most, I suffer from imposter syndrome. I was excited about learning about my leadership style and impact I can have through being authentically me. With that said, I did go in with a pretty open mind!

AYUMI (Paris) > I expected to get some tools to develop my leadership, which can be quite abstract.

KATERINA (Toronto) > I was looking to connect and get inspired with like-minded female leaders within the network and learn from other experiences to help my growth as a leader.

Femmes Forward North America (December 2022)

What key learnings did you gain?

KATERINA > Getting to know your inner critic and tuning it out, and to keep going and don’t let yourself get in the way of your own success.

NATALIE > I learned how to “shush” the inner critic. I was also validated that I’m in a unique role and position. At the end of the day, whether you’re leading a team that reports to you or “leading” up, it’s helpful to understand everyone’s working style/persona and how you can help support them. I also loved understanding and discussing the difference between managing and leading.

NADÈGE (London) > My strengths show differently according to the environment that I am in, and the people I am surrounded with.

AYUMI > I discovered theoretical types of leadership, and I was able to define what leadership I want to aspire to.

Lumina Learning’s Kate Cline, leading the class through approaches to leading change

What’s something you learned from the sessions or panel with leaders that surprised you?

ALEXIA (Paris) > I didn’t expect to dig so deep into who I am in front of those I didn’t know very well. Perspective is key to understand others and move forward as a group.

NADÈGE > I learned how to better advocate for myself. I am a fierce advocate for colleagues, and I need to do the same for myself.

KATERINA > The sessions and the leadership panel were a good reminder that we need to establish healthy barriers for ourselves to champion our own success.

NATALIE > I really appreciated Patti Clarke’s leadership journey. Her story shows how you can balance being human and being a leader. In fact, balancing both is what makes you the strongest leader in my opinion. It’s something I’ve learned through my career, but always good to be in a safe space like Femmes Forward to really push into that dynamic.

AYUMI > The power of co-coaching with some peers, to discuss specific and concrete situations.

Was there a moment from the experience that really resonated with you?

NATALIE > I truly loved bonding with the girls during the sessions and afterwards. It’s so cool to see other females in the same position — ones that care about the work AND people. Many of us opened up and it was great to see the support system we built after a few days!

ALEXIA > The solo coaching. Very intense. Illuminating.

AYUMI > Moments when participants were revealing difficult situations to everyone and we could all (including the coaches) relate and give advice to surpass them.

KATERINA > There wasn’t a specific moment throughout the program but overall, how the women were going through or had gone through similar experiences resonated with me. It was a reassuring moment that you’re not alone in your journey.

Femmes Forward France & Belgium (March 2023)

What is one piece of advice you would give to women juggling work and personal life?

NADÈGE > Be present at home when you are there. Be present at work when you are there. This is how I can best describe giving 110%.

AYUMI > Listen to yourself and follow your flow.

NATALIE > I think it’s important to understand how dynamic we are. We’re not just “professionals,” we’re also friends, partners, daughters, etc. Find what fills your cup (in all aspects of life) and use that as your north star. And remember that you have a team to help support and lean on! Use your village!

ALEXIA > Embrace the fact that nobody is perfect and in fact, no one asks you to be.

KATERINA > Slow down and take the time for yourself. Don’t forget to check-in and be honest with yourself.

Who is a woman that inspires you and why?

AYUMI > To give a current inspiration, Lizzo — because she is talented, engaged, and doesn’t follow society’s standards.

NATALIE > My #1 answer is always my grandmother, Mima. The epitome of having fun through life regardless of the situation. I’ve also been fortunate to work with some AMAZING leaders who taught me all about ‘good and nice.’

How can men get more involved in advancing women at work?

KATERINA > Being an ally and more vocal for all female talent by elevating and highlighting women that play an integral role within organizations.

NATALIE > Regardless of gender, just support and celebrate each other. Bring people into the conversation and create a safe space for them to chime in and give ideas.

ALEXIA > Men need to see all the cognitive biases they have in everyday life that they often are not aware of. It’s not only about women, it’s about diversity at large.

Femmes Forward UK & Ireland (May 2023)

Summarize your Femmes Forward experience in 3 words.

NATALIE > Empowering. Honest. Motivating.

AYUMI > Sharing. Support. Advice.

ALEXIA > Intense. Community. Introspective.

NADÈGE > Empowering. Forward. Sisterhood.

KATERINA > Inspiring. Lifting. Empowering.



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