À bientôt Sydney.

Sonia Guitz
havas lofts
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2017

Here we are… four weeks in Sydney and I feel like I just arrived yesterday. Probably because I still have so much to learn and discover.

This month at Havas Australia has been as challenging, enriching, exciting and even more, as expected! I wouldn’t be able to summarize all the things I learned and experienced, but I will remember this adventure for a very long time, for sure.

# I won’t forget the unique teamwork and team solidarity

I had the chance to meet great and welcoming people, who daily join their forces and skills for the good of ideas in such an inspiring way.

Many thanks to Havas Australia and especially to all the strategy and XD team: Phil, Bohdi, Shea, Adam, Rhys, Ed, and of course my coach Harj!

# I won’t forget the always-positive Aussie mood
(A picture is worth a thousand words).

# I won’t forget the way everyone abbreviates everything
(Brief lesson below)

By the way, did you know that the word “selfie” came from Australia?

# I won’t forget the good vibes of Sydney
(Positivity really means something)

# I won’t forget the short ride to enjoy the beach
(25 minutes from the very center of the city)

# I won’t forget my fellow lofters
(I know I’ll see you soon)

Rebecca Basi - Director of Marketing & New Business at Plastic Mobile Toronto, Raquel Roca - New Business Director at Havas Media Barcelona, and Andrew Wolin - Associate Director at Socialyse Chicago, were the best team I could have to share all of those moments.

# I won’t forget those who helped me live this amazing opportunity
(From New York to Paris)

Thank you so much Keith and Anne, your help was precious before and during those four weeks!

And of course many thanks to Jean-Patrick, Delphine, Sacha, Jeff, Gilles, Laure and Laurence at home.


“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
Winnie the Pooh

