3 Days in Paris… 3 Things I Love

Shana Getchell
havas lofts
Published in
1 min readOct 27, 2014

Today is my 3rd day in Paris. Quite the adventure so far. As I made my way to the Metro for my first trip to Puteaux this morning 3 things stood out …

  1. My apartment building smells like a wonderful bakery in the morning. I have yet to figure out who is baking these gems (and if I can befriend them) but I can say that I am thrilled to open my front door every morning. I choose the stairs versus the lift so I can have a little extra time with the wonderful aromas.
  2. Chocolate! Every meal I have had so far has involved chocolate in some form. And I am completely OK with this… and I will continue to be.
  3. Beauty. This is my 2nd time in Paris, but after 15 years. I forgot how beautiful this city really is. To me, there is a lesson of art, culture or history every where I look. And I love that too!

