43,200 minutes.

Felicity Jeffery
havas lofts
Published in
3 min readNov 20, 2017

Forty-three thousand two hundred minutes; 223 kilometres walked, 210 laps swum, five SoulCycles spun, two hot yoga sessions attended, 80 cold brews, 15 oysters, 20 Campari, numerous champagne and bountiful doses of American delicacies consumed. Countless friends made.

One month. One new city. Chicago.

My month in Chicago has been by far one of the most interesting experiences of my life — one that has taught me a lot about myself and presented me with different ways to think about things around me. It has put a Mid-Western City on my radar as a competitor to Melbourne as a great city to live, and has challenged my theory of what the Mid-West and its inhabitants are all about.

It is a city that lives and breathes music, culture, food, architecture, atmosphere and fun. It is bustling until midnight on a Tuesday but quiet in leafy pockets of the city during the day. It has four seasons in one day (favoring cold and windy), and its people are an eclectic, well-educated mix — all who put my 1.5 languages to shame!

I am always grateful to return home to Melbourne — a city I adore — however, both cities I now have a huge fondness for, one which is home and the other which one day could easily be.

This being said, there are a few things I have learnt over the past four weeks that are unique to Chicago. I will remember these, laugh at them, take them home with me and hope to experience them again throughout the Havas network in the future.

  1. My fellow Lofters are great fun! Despite a motley crew from Spain, France, Canada (via Moldova) and Australia — our shared humour and daily banter made this trip unforgettable. Not to mention, it has made it very difficult to leave. Whilst we weren’t always having the same conversation due to language challenges, every moment shared was fun, funny and memorable. No doubt a friendship forged through a shared experience.
  2. Americans are terrible at impersonating Australians — be they impersonating me, or their novelty Australian clients, their accents seem to meld the best of the UK and the Middle East!
  3. Food (and good food) is almost as important to a Chicagoan as a Melburnian…in fact, I’d say even more! Their love of Ramen, Oysters and Burgers is second-to-none, and each street has different smells and cultures eroding from its space. Thank goodness one walks everywhere in Chicago, as the culinary delights have often been too tempting to resist!!
  4. Havas Chicago lives and breathes the notion of Social by Design. If you aren’t on it or don’t have it, you don’t exist. Snapchat, Instastories, Wiggle Gifs, Stop Motion — you name it, they’re using it, inventing it, creating it.
  5. Its people are young. They marry young, they climb the corporate ladder young, they make waves young, they interact with and lead the culture young. They make Havas Chicago uniquely modern and at the forefront of creativity and cultural movement. They inspire those who are not so young, and help steer the ship towards an ageless business that’s constantly evolving.

Above all, the Lofts program and my host city Chicago have truly opened my eyes to what it means to be part of the Havas global network. Despite language, culture, age, race, you name it, we are all part of the same thing. A creative enterprise that wants to lead and create change, and have a lasting impact on the people who work for it and around it.

Havas Chicago — you have intrigued me, engaged me and made me want to stay. Hook, line and sinker!

Class of November 2017 — Havas Lofts #HavasChi

#HavasLofts #RedAgency #HavasChi

