5 French Cultural Patterns that Influence the French Workplace

Laura Burke
havas lofts
Published in
3 min readJun 8, 2017

Since arriving here in Paris a week ago, I’ve been in observation and research mode. How many pâtisseries are within a 3 block radius of my apartment? How many different types of rosé can I try? (Challenge accepted) Will the Seine or the Eiffel Tower ever get old? (Early prediction: no) How much cheese is too much cheese? (The limit does not exist)

So for this week’s blog, I thought I’d focus on another one of my mini research projects: How do French cultural norms influence their workplace? I’ve spent the week learning about the work, structure and DNA of Canal+. And in observing and meeting with so many people around the office, I’ve found these five main themes:

#1: No one’s in a rush to get anywhere — and no one is stressed out. It’s so refreshing! This may totally be my Northeastern/Bostonian brain talking, but this sense of continuous leisure is truly fascinating. In Boston, there is a constant sense of urgency, to get places as fast as you possibly can, and to squeeze in as many tasks as possible in the shortest amount of time. Here, though, speed-walking does not exist, everyone takes a full non-working lunch break, and there is a general air of pleasure and a focus on the big picture (spoiler alert: missing the train is not the end of the world).

#2: La polîtesse: Being polite is a major pillar of the French culture. One of my favorite encounters with this so far is in the office elevator. Everyone tells each other person to have a good day as they leave the elevator. Sometimes there are even 10 consecutive chants of “bonne journée!” in one elevator ride. A really nice pick-me-up to hear 5 other people tell you to have a good day in unison as you exit!

#3: Pride: The French are a very proud people. They are incredibly proud of their heritage, of their culture and of their work and ideas. Around the office, I’ve found that this inspires true self-confidence. Everyone has an opinion, and no one is reluctant to express it or to disagree. Even on his second day of work, the intern on my team had no qualms speaking in front of the whole team and expressing his thoughts.

#4: Community: The French very much operate in a community-oriented mindset. Everyone is in it together. Here in the Canal+ office, the same rings true of each of the teams I’ve met with. They’re incredibly cohesive, and all members work equally toward their common goal. Keeping the finish line in their sights, everyone does their part to help the whole team get there. There’s no “one man out for himself” competitive mentality. Including no man left behind to go get lunch. Even that is always a group activity.

#5: Coffee, coffee, coffee! The French drink so much coffee. I forgot just how much! But they also take the time to sit, drink their tiny little cups of deliciousness and converse with colleagues, and truly take interest in each other. Why? See #1 and #4 :)

