Chicago VS Paris — Paris VS Chicago

Mélanie Queinec
havas lofts
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2018

If I had to sum up these first days in Chicago in one sentence, and especially compare them with my life in Paris, I would probably go for “Everything is so differently the same” !

Which, basically, is complete non-sense. I get it.

And yet, this is exactly how I feel!

Let’s try to have a more scientific approach to this comparison exercise:


1 — Workplace

First, let’s have a tour of the agency. Sorry, the “Village”!

I’m sure you will agree with me: not everyone can say, back home at the end of his workday, that he enjoyed a movie in a private projection room, right after having had a barbershop appointment just before a pingpong game. Without ever having left his workplace!

No. This is not beer, I promise. But this is definitely the most trendy way to enjoy a cold coffee!

Not to mention the Village is a dog-friendly company!

Have you ever had a client meeting with a dog sitting on your lap? No? Well… I did !

The bottom right is maybe not the most obvious picture but taking a discrete dog-selfie is not the easiest exercise, I promise.

And actually, while I was writing this post, half a dozen of dogs swung by my desk, walking their owners (or is it the other way around?).

Even though I have to confess that the barbershop is not really my thing, I’m deeply impressed by the quality of life Havas is providing to their employees. It’s like working in the coolest workplace possible.

2 — The city

“Eventually, I think Chicago will be the most beautiful great city left in the world.”

— Frank Lloyd Wright

To evaluate how right (involuntary pun I swear) Frank Lloyd Wright was, I recommend you look at these pictures:

While I almost knew nothing about Chicago before coming, I immediately fell in love with this city. The architecture is simply amazing, not looking like any other place I’ve seen before, and the proximity of Lake Michigan and the amazing green-colored Chicago River, makes the overall experience totally unique.

Not to mention that the city is a perfect balance between amazing architecture and art. Culture here is everywhere!

Keith Haring’s exhibition at the Cultural Center
A not-that-obvious flamingo


1 — Work

Well, obviously, we are doing the same job. Struggling with the same issues. Celebrating the same victories (like a client finally signing-off on a creative idea for the next campaign after lengthy back and forth).

This is crazy to see that I am more-or-less having the same days while being so far away from home.

What about the team and the people I’m working with? I simply love them! Since day 1, they’re all doing their best to make me feel like I’m at home and make me a part of the agency and their projects. I have to confess that I was quite sad to leave my Paris-BETC-amazing colleagues but now…

(@Paris friends: stop reading this article NOW)

…I feel like I could totally find here as amazing people as I know back home.

2 — Weather

Yeah, I know, winters here are among the worst on the planet. But right now, I’m enjoying perfect almost-summer-weather, highly similar with the one we are usually having in Paris at this time. So, I’m counting it as a similar point.

Well, looks like this first post will end as a 2–2 draw! Stay tuned in the upcoming weeks for the next matches ;)

