Dogs and beers and barbershop and Mohawk haircuts

Thomas Germond
havas lofts
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2016


This is how it literally is! My first impression of HAVAS WW Chicago is simply mind blowing in all its aspects.

Firstly, I’m so honored to be a part of the HAVAS LOFTS program. I’m so excited to be able to discover, observe and learn about the future of media agencies, and, as I come from CANAL+, especially focusing on the client point of view towards business and media.

Chicago has its own specific and dazzling energy. It’s not like New York. It feels much more like the real America. I can’t quite explain why. It’s just something you feel when walking through the city, observing the architecture and the people. It’s a different, powerful, authentic energy. Chicago feels more classical to me, yet ultra modern at the same time. So interesting to feel.

And I think that must be why HAVAS WW Chicago’s core mission is so smart: “To reinvigorate great American brands through cultural relevance”. They nailed it! And it all starts when you step through the agency doors:

You try to act like this:

But inside you are more like:

(by the way : best GIF ever)

I’ve just never seen a place like this! Two huge floors with 3 to 400 people spread all around. Humongous chilled out spaces built to create connections: free candies, ping-pong, street art everywhere, cool neon signs, huge kitchen, sunny rooftop, red special individual room (if you need a private space). You want to work standing up? Do it. You have a dog? Bring it to the office! Oh you need a nice smooth beard? make a reservation at the barbershop, open every monday. Also, once a week, some of the best restaurants in town come to the office, and free beer is handed out to each and every one.

E-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g is designed to make work comfortable and to connect people to each other.

Jason Peterson, the CCO, doesn’t even have a desk, but boy his glass office is the coolest … basically an art gallery with a couch.

So much has already happened! But here are just two details that show, at least to me, how game-changing is it to work at HAVAS:

5min meetings

Having the coolest office would be useless if you didn’t have the culture that goes with it.

I remember my co-worker from Canal+, Cecilia, who went to HAVASLOFTS in the NY agency last year telling me about the efficiency of the meetings. You really understand it when you experience it. Everyone one has a very defined role, brings great value, and the host of the meeting does a terrific job at setting boundaries. That may seem totally obvious to a lot of people here, but believe me when I say that we can learn a lot from this kind of organization.

I also love the way the President, Paul Marobella, and the CCO schedule 5min meetings with every one. It forces you to go straight to the point and allows everyone in the company to meet the top executives. I’m sure a 5min meeting with the president of your company once in a while makes the employee churn rate go down. Smart.

Social media stars

Social media is where the user and consumer attention is. Period. So how do I become the best in social media? By hiring social media superstars! Once again, a brilliant move.

Anna, one of the HAVASLOFTS coaches, apart from being so deeply nice and generous, is pretty much a big deal on Instagram and Snapchat (follow her!). She helps create Snapchat stories for clients and brings great social media expertise and value to everyone who requests her help.

And you may think the C-level are not in the game? You would be wrong. Check Jason Peterson’s instagram account. I’m feeling bad for myself with not even 500 followers.

I can’t wait to learn more about the ways the HAVAS village blends together, and how great ideas and new experiences are built to match the consumer journey. Bravo HAVASLOFTS Chicago and thank you for having me.

cutest company move
Secret individual red meeting room



Thomas Germond
havas lofts

I’m moitié english, half français 🇫🇷/🇬🇧 // Digital for CANAL+ (CANALSAT) 👻 : thomasgermond