Eat. Pray. Loft.

Javier Astray
havas lofts
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2016
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This is a story about discovering new food, new Gods, new experiences, new me.

Chapter 1. Eat.

Food is gold. Food and drink reunite people around a table and makes them talk to each other, right, talk to their faces. It’s an effective way to start knowing your new mates (and for sure, it’s a tasty way of meeting a new city).

So there we were, looking to each other trying to figure out what was going on. Wade The Second, a.k.a ‘the boss’, started to tell us a story about Wade The First in this dark restaurant basement. This guy was fired on Halloween. Creepy. And then, he decided to write an email with all the things that his client was doing wrong. After this bomb-letter, the client changed its marketing team, and let the agency do its job with creative freedom, winning several awards. Since that moment, every Halloween the agency gives a trophy to the bravest employee of the year honoring Wade I.

Well, this is the lesson:

Trust your gut (even if you’re not hungry).

Chapter 2. Pray.

I realized that I was totally out of my comfort zone, so I needed to find a new God. Someone I can share my new thoughts and fears, someone I can pray.

But I couldn’t find anyone to blame or to thank. No excuses. I was just on my own, facing all these new experiences. If you are afraid what other people might think of you, let it go. They don’t know you. If you come from another country and you’ve been raised in another language, don’t be ashamed to talk. It’s ok to make mistakes. Try your best.

Trust yourself.

Chapter 3. Loft.

Everything happens for a reason.

If you work hard and in a constant way, someday, sooner or later, you will be rewarded. This is something that all the Lofters can vouch for. This is a huge opportunity and everyone should be really grateful. Life always surprises you, and this is a good one. But gifts come when you have something to celebrate. In this case, five years of hard work, proactivity and good behavior. This is the path.

Trust your fate.

