Enter if you dare !

Claire Bøssard-Carrez
havas lofts
Published in
3 min readNov 6, 2018

Halloween is such a big thing in the United States, so of course it was expected I would write an article about it! People are preparing for the death celebration for weeks. It’s a huge day that isn’t comparable to any other. Every detail is thought out: decorations, outfits and even recipes.

It started when we took our first walk in Beacon Hill — such a fancy area of Boston. It has very beautiful houses decorated in Halloween style. Day-by-day, we saw the entire city getting ready for this crazy event. Even at the basketball game we attended supporting the Celtics (which was awesome btw), basketball players introduced themselves through a video where they were interviewed about which candies were their favorite. This was good product placement! Reese’s, M&M’s & other candy brands know how to use this celebration to get maximum visibility.

We quickly knew we must plan something for this special night. Havas Boston organized their own event during the day with a costume contest. People came with their children, who wore Halloween costumes that were so cute! But nothing was planned for the night.

It wasn’t very complicated to find the right place to go, as people spoke to us about a city known for an old witch’s story… Salem! And guess what? It was only 30 minutes away by train! How practical it was. Everyone told us we wouldn’t be the only ones who thought about going there and that the city would be very crowded, but we were so determined, as for us it was the perfect time to visit the city.

Moreover, I am amazed at how very civilized people in the USA are and how well traffic is organized. Indeed, even if there were a lot of people, everything went very well without trouble or disrespect.

And God, outfits were so spooky! I took so many pictures and, sometimes, I didn’t even look because it was so freaky. Salem is such a cute city.

I really enjoyed my evening and came back yet again with so many memories and pictures to share!

Keep you posted.


