Four things I’ll remember from Lofts

Andrew Wolin
havas lofts
Published in
2 min readNov 17, 2017

Four weeks, four takeaways from my time in Sydney

1. The People

Starting with the folks who showed me the ropes. Everyone in the Sydney office was extremely friendly and helpful — allowing me to make the most of my time here. Shout out to my coach Aneeket and his strategy team for teaching me about the Australian market and the important role Havas plays for its clients.

Also to my fellow Lofts participants in Sydney — it’s been amazing bringing together cultures from Barcelona, Paris, Toronto and Chicago. We all have a variety of backgrounds and responsibilities at our home agencies, but through this program I’ve learned from you all as much as from Sydney.

2. The Culture

Despite the reputation of a city with early nightlife, the Sydney Village knows how to throw a great party. In my brief time here, I was able to see the Aussie take on Halloween, publisher golf outings, Melbourne Cup, the merge of Host/Havas and more. Broke Ass Friday’s (free lunch the Friday before payday), unlimited beer and wine fridges and your afternoon chips giveaways weren’t bad additions either.

3. The Beaches

Bondi Beach > North Ave Beach

4. Better Together

The Lofts program has been an amazing way to gain international experience and learn from another market. It’s exciting to see Australia’s expansion happening through new business momentum and the Host/Havas merger. Collaboration with fellow Sydney Lofters from Rosapark and Plastic Mobile shows the span of career opportunities within the network. The Sydney office is also a reminder of the numerous specialty teams (Red Agency, Arnold, Arena Media, Red Guerilla, Havas Sports & Entertainment) that help to provide end-to-end solutions for clients through the village model.

To Sydney & Lofts — thank you!

