I just arrived a few days ago, but it is striking how « reinvigorated » I feel.

Flora Guerin
havas lofts
4 min readJun 8, 2017


Well yes, I said « re-in-vi-go-ra-ted ». I am choosing my words — and not the easiest one. As soon as I got to the Agency, I learned Havas Chicago’s mission* : « to be recognized as the most creative company in the heartland by reinvigorating great American brands through cultural relevance. ».

To me, everything in this city & in this agency is about « branding culture » — or « cultural branding » ?

Of course we’ve heard about « cultural branding** » for quite a long time now. And it is now commonly argued that Brands are symbolic components of our cultural society. They are creating value not just by the products or services they offer, but by the meanings they generate. This is something we explain to our clients all day long : how a company must figure out a worldview and core values and then perpetually act in accordance with it.

Well to me, Havas Chicago is just applying the advice they give to their clients : everything the company does — every business decision, internal policy and public statement (advertising, events …) — is congruent with that mission*, putting culture at the heart.

First business model : Havas Chi doesn’t borrow culture, they create it.

With culture being at the heart of the agency’s mission, ideas must pop up from everywhere and everyone. So, there are no private offices here but only open space where a « casual » employee sits close to the CEO. Most of all, ideas must be easily transformed into real projects. So, the Talent Team (do not say « HR » please) do not want to hire « creative directors » — but « creators » (artists, content producers, influencers….). Eventually, the agency decided to create a place where Culture #neversleeps : THE ANNEX**. A cultural epicenter that gathers creative minds from more than just advertising backgrounds — artists, photographers, musicians, fashion designers, social media influencers, people who had never even heard industry buzz words like “millennial” before. A place where people do not observe and latch onto existing culture, but help create it for clients and the surrounding Chicago community.

Then, internal policy : #Giveadamn.

Culture being at the heart of the Agency’ business model, people must get inspired in their everyday life. Of course, you can find at each floor music / food / great paintings & inspiring mantras on the walls but more importantly : « Havas Gets Schooled » ! The agency organizes small group sessions to allow everyone to discover other employees’ expertise (an intro to PR / Creative Campaign / Analytics …).

Also, you are free to participate in « cultural activations » all week long. On Monday let’s share your pride for the « LGBT festival », on Tuesday let’s have Rum from the « Latino Havas Employees », on Wednesday — « Havas Spirit Day » — let’s show our best « Havas Swag Outfits « , on Thursday — why don’t we get tattooing at The Annex by Mario Desa — a famous Chicagoan artist. Eventually, we will end the week listening to music at a Beer car event. #thanksgodit’sfriday !

Well, well done Havas Chi — to me, you are a « cultural brand » !



**How Brands Become Icons: The Principles of Cultural Branding, Douglas B. Holt


