Introducing Florence…

Sabrina Francis
havas lofts
Published in
4 min readNov 18, 2014


A coach is someone who can give correction without causing resentment.

– John Wooden

Ten years ago, I wasn’t particularly open to other people’s advice.

“You just don’t understand what it’s like being me!” was my stereotypically teenage comeback to many a familial row – I wanted to do things in my own way and in my own time. Funny how that changes when you sheepishly enter the workplace and find that your strong-will has slightly faded while realising that many people do understand what it’s like to be you; in fact they've been there, bought the t-shirt and picked up a copy of the handbook while they were at it.

Learning from the experiences of others has become essential to my career and also my life, which is why I was particularly fortunate to have been paired with an inspiring coach for the duration of my Havas Lofts experience.

Introducing Florence Destang, Managing Partner at Havas Media France…

I could write forever about Florence’s successful career in media or her future vision of the marketing world (see her profile at the end of this post), but she has 3 key qualities that made her a great mentor for me personally:

  1. Strong Female Role Model

In an industry that has historically been dominated by men (this is slowly changing but we still have a way to go), it is inspiring to see Florence stand out as one of the most respected and valuable members of the management team. She wins awards, she is a great manager to her team and even after 15 years at Havas, she is constantly striving to better her knowledge in every aspect of her job. Having a female role model to share experiences with is becoming increasingly important for me as I assess my future opportunities within an industry that I’d like to believe is changing for the better.

2. The ‘Likeability’ factor

Florence has the most infectious laugh I’ve ever heard! She’s down-to-earth, warm and considerate – qualities that make her the life and soul of the team and extremely popular with clients. She is a constant source of positive energy; she actually high-fives me in the middle of a meeting when I manage to translate a word correctly and we end up in fits of giggles! Florence is proof that being successful and well-respected isn’t about being unemotional and unapproachable.

3. The value of work-life balance

Pretty self-explanatory. As a wife and mother of three, she reminded me constantly that despite being successful in the workplace, there is a more important life outside the office. Whether it’s taking me out for lunch or for dinner or trying to skype her daughter who’s at Durham University at lunchtime, she openly promotes the importance of not living life entirely through your work.

Florence, thanks for looking after me in Paris and I hope we stay in touch! My advice to anyone at any point in their career is to get yourself a mentor. We all get bogged down in the detail from time to time, but it’s the key people around us that keep us on track.

60 seconds with Florence Destang

Title: Managing Partner

Agency : Havas Media France

How long have you been at the company? 15 years. In 1999, I joined Havas Media Group in France as a consultant. I became a partner in 2011 and am in charge of a diverse client portfolio including EDF Group (Energy), Credit Agricole Group (Bank) and the YellowPages (search engine). I also spent some of my career working in Hong Kong.

Brief bio (How would you sum up your role in the company in one sentence?) In 2014, I was made a Managing Partner and also Head of Transformation. I’m in charge of identifying new talent as well as positioning consultants with the corresponding client for optimal performance.

What do you love about your job? (What’s the best thing about working in this business? Collaborating with others to create innovative media strategies The most rewarding part of my job is winning awards and when a client recognises that my media strategy has played an important part in their business

What’s the best piece of advice you have for someone coming to work at Havas? Be curious and don’t be afraid to take risks

What do you think the world of marketing and media will look like in 2050? It will be fully connected -no more borders, the idea of a mass market will no longer exist, the consumer will become the producer and we will be overwhelmed by data.

